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McDonalds commercial

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# 31 19 years ago

I am looking for the name of the newest song on the Mcdonalds commercial,
This guy sits down on the fountain and opens the big mac packge and the fountain goes bezerk and starts to spin.
anyone know what the name of the song is?

# 32 19 years ago

> Does anyone know the song in the new mcdonalds commerical where the city is like a sound place. i like that song and i need to know the name of it.
# 33 19 years ago

Ito am looking for the name of these songs in the new commercials, inone it kinda sounds like chingy, but i can't seem to find it...if anyone knows, please e-mail me!

> I am looking for the name of the newest song on the Mcdonalds commercial,
> This guy sits down on the fountain and opens the big mac packge and the fountain goes bezerk and starts to spin.
> anyone know what the name of the song is?
# 34 19 years ago

Ito am looking for the name of these songs in the new commercials, inone it kinda sounds like chingy, but i can't seem to find it...if anyone knows, please e-mail me!

> I am looking for the name of the newest song on the Mcdonalds commercial,
> This guy sits down on the fountain and opens the big mac packge and the fountain goes bezerk and starts to spin.
> anyone know what the name of the song is?
# 35 19 years ago

I like that; houston ft. chingy
# 36 19 years ago

in the new mcdonalds comemrcial with the free song, who sings automatic? i no the song, but who is it by?
# 37 19 years ago

> Does anybody know the guys name in the new mcdonalds salad commercial. The lady sits at the office first we see Kurt available then the new intern and than the mail guy. Does anybody know that mail guy is?
# 38 19 years ago

> Does anybody know the guys name in the new mcdonalds salad commercial. The lady sits at the office first we see Kurt available then the new intern and than the mail guy. Does anybody know that mail guy is?
# 39 19 years ago

> I like that; houston ft. chingy

>>Do you know the very first song that they played like before the "i like that" song???
# 40 19 years ago

> in the new mcdonalds comemrcial with the free song, who sings automatic? i no the song, but who is it by?

>Its by brother's conti
# 41 19 years ago

> > I like that; houston ft. chingy
> >>Do you know the very first song that they played like before the "i like that" song???

the first one is "automatic" by brother conti
# 42 19 years ago

I was just wondering if jeesa Mcafall has been in a mcdonalds commercial
# 43 19 years ago

its by houston and chingy its called i like thta. do u know where i can see the commercial?

Ito am looking for the name of these songn the new commercials, inone it kinda sounds like chingy, but i can't seem to find it...if anyone knows, please e-mail me!
> > I am looking for the name of the newest song on the Mcdonalds commercial,
> > This guy sits down on the fountain and opens the big mac packge and the fountain goes bezerk and starts to spin.
> > anyone know what the name of the song is?
> >
> >
# 44 19 years ago

> > Does anyone know the song in the new mcdonalds commerical where the city is like a sound place. i like that song and i need to know the name of it.
Errr yea I was looking for that song too and the only thing I know is that its called I like that , and by tomorrow I can find out by whom it is. So holla if u want it.
# 45 19 years ago

The name of the song is 'I like that' and it is from Houston.

There is a version feat. Chingy

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