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McDonalds commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

Does anybody know the guys name in the new mcdonalds salad commercial. The lady sits at the office first we see Kurt available then the new intern and than the mail guy. Does anybody know that mail guy is?
# 2 20 years ago

Does anybody know I can get a commercial singing for McDonalds? You know Ba da ba ba ba; I'm loving it.
# 3 20 years ago

> Does anybody know the guys name in the new mcdonalds salad commercial. The lady sits at the office first we see Kurt available then the new intern and than the mail guy. Does anybody know that mail guy is?
# 4 20 years ago

> Does anybody know who the guy is in the latest19630
# 5 20 years ago

> in the latest mcdonalds commericial, there's this lady who's talkin about how she "just knows where to look for good deals.." and then there's this HOT MIDDLE EASTERN GUY WHO SMILES THIS DAZZLING SMILE?!
WATS HIS NAME???????????????????????????????
# 6 20 years ago

> Does anybody know I can get a commercial singing for McDonalds? You know Ba da ba ba ba; I'm loving it.

i can't believe the smell of mcdonalds passing by
order up a cheeseburger take that wit some fries
i placed my money on the counter just to let them know
a girl asked me what would you like so i said to go
as i walked on i grabbed five nice packs of salt
i thought i heard someone yell the word halt
i said huh ok what do you want to say
she said have a good meal and have a good day
# 7 20 years ago

> Does anybody know I can get a commercial singing for McDonalds? You know Ba da ba ba ba; I'm loving it.
# 8 20 years ago

> Does anybody know I can get a commercial singing for McDonalds? You know Ba da ba ba ba; I'm loving it.
# 9 20 years ago

> Does anybody know I can get a commercial singing for McDonalds? You know Ba da ba ba ba; I'm loving it.
# 10 20 years ago

> Does anybody know I can get a commercial singing for McDonalds? You know Ba da ba ba ba; I'm loving it.
# 11 20 years ago

> Does anybody know I can get a commercial singing for McDonalds? You know Ba da ba ba ba; I'm loving it.
# 12 20 years ago


You mean the guy who walks in through the restaurant's door and makes eye contact with this other dark- and curly-haired girl. Another (unattractive) guy is talking to her and she's just zoning out and thinking about other things like the chicken nuggets she's eating. That one? If so, I don't think he's middle eastern. Doesn't look like it....He looks a lot more Mediterranean. Anyway, he's hot and I'd really like to know his name. He's in the next latest Macdonald's commercial too, with three other hottish guys. He's the hottest one though.

> > in the latest mcdonalds commericial, there's this lady who's talkin about how she "just knows where to look for good deals.." and then there's this HOT MIDDLE EASTERN GUY WHO SMILES THIS DAZZLING SMILE?!
> WATS HIS NAME????????????????????????????
# 13 20 years ago


Is the mail guy the light-skinned one with the dark curly hair pushing the cart? He was in the one before that, right? Yeah, he's sizzlin'. The other three guys are pretty hot; just not as hot.
Anyways, sorry to waste your time.

> > Does anybody know the guys name in the new mcdonalds salad commercial. The lady sits at the office first we see Kurt available then the new intern and than the mail guy. Does anybody know that mail guy is?
# 14 20 years ago

> Who is that window washer??????!! Im lovin it..
# 15 20 years ago

Does anybody know the name of the guy on the new big mac commercial?... he is in the drivers seat and he has shoulder length hair. There are four people in the car and they are listening to a slow sond and then change it to a rock song.. bah bah bah bah bah i'm lovin it.. wicked ** commercial.. but wicked hot fella in the front drivers seat.. if anyone knows his name... awesome!
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