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ACURA TL commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

Does anyone know the classical piece from the Acura TL commercial? It's the one that starts with an aerial view of an orchestra.
# 2 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the classical piece from the Acura TL commercial? It's the one that starts with an aerial view of an orchestra.
Roads build as the car goes. TL
> Thanks
# 3 20 years ago

I was just going to ask the same exact question.
# 4 20 years ago

guess that makes three. =
# 5 20 years ago

The original is (in spite of comments from other threads on this topic) truly the Spring Dance by Edvard Grieg, Lyric Pieces Op. 47 No. 6. This was originally composed by Grieg as a piece for solo piano. For this commercial, it was orchestrated. I haven't checked into whether or not Grieg made an orchestral version, but if he did, I doubt very much whether what you hear on the commercial is Grieg's orchestration. The original piece is in the key of G, the commericial's is in the key of F. Also, the musical form in the commercial's version has been compacted, and there are a number of melodic alterations. This is understandable, as the music has to fit a 30-second spot.

So I'd say a film/tv composer took some liberties and created a very effective accompaniment for this commercial. But the original piece on which it's based is definitely the Grieg. (I'm a pianist, and downloaded the score and played it myself.) I wonder if the orchestrator finished the piece. It's only 74 bars long. Would make a nice MP3! It would also have been nice to include it on the audio DVD that came with the car. (Yes, I bought the car! But not just because of the commercial music.} :-)
# 6 20 years ago

Thank you SO much, I'm so grateful to you for this advice! I saw the commercial a few days ago and I have been frantically looking for the song title since then! Could you possibly send me the score?
# 7 20 years ago

> The original is (in spite of comments from other threads on this topic) truly the Spring Dance by Edvard Grieg, Lyric Pieces Op. 47 No. 6. This was originally composed by Grieg as a piece for solo piano. For this commercial, it was orchestrated. I haven't checked into whether or not Grieg made an orchestral version, but if he did, I doubt very much whether what you hear on the commercial is Grieg's orchestration. The original piece is in the key of G, the commericial's is in the key of F. Also, the musical form in the commercial's version has been compacted, and there are a number of melodic alterations. This is understandable, as the music has to fit a 30-second spot.
> So I'd say a film/tv composer took some liberties and created a very effective accompaniment for this commercial. But the original piece on which it's based is definitely the Grieg. (I'm a pianist, and downloaded the score and played it myself.) I wonder if the orchestrator finished the piece. It's only 74 bars long. Would make a nice MP3! It would also have been nice to include it on the audio DVD that came with the car. (Yes, I bought the car! But not just because of the commercial music.} :-)
# 8 20 years ago

does anybody know where I can download this song from?
# 9 20 years ago

does anybody know where I can download this song from?
# 10 20 years ago

does anybody know where I can download this song from?
# 11 20 years ago

does anybody know where I can download this song from?
# 12 20 years ago

does anybody know where I can download this song from?
# 13 20 years ago

does anybody know where I can download this song from?
# 14 20 years ago

does anybody know where I can download this song from?
# 15 20 years ago

does anybody know where I can download this song from?
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