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MTV Commercial song?

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# 16 20 years ago

"Dynomite" - Ima Robot
# 17 20 years ago

> There is an MTV commercial with a boy throwning pebbles @ a girls window. She doesn't respond, so he goes home only to find she is throwing pebbles @ his window. They smile. What is the name of that song & who performs it? The songs Zero 7 - Destiny
# 18 20 years ago

> I am trying to find the song on the commercial for safe sex for mtv. it shows abunch of hot woman, and then the song starts up, and then a girl comes on and says "i like using condoms when having sex" and its an advertisment for "" and i wanna know the name of the song.
# 19 20 years ago

> I am looking for a clip of the guy who dances to his car alarm on mtv. There is also another one where the same guy is dancing on the living room floor in front of his parents. can anybody help me find it?

# 20 20 years ago

> > There is an MTV commercial with a boy throwning pebbles @ a girls window. She doesn't respond, so he goes home only to find she is throwing pebbles @ his window. They smile. What is the name of that song & who performs it? The songs Zero 7 - Destiny
This is an awesome song and commercial....if anyone knows where to find the commerical to download it...let me know!!
# 21 19 years ago

There is a commerical song in mtv with house where everybody plays their own music and the lady downstairs doesn't mind and the text: "Tolerence" end the commerical..
The music they are playing is no where to find at the internet.. -someone knows the artist and the songname.??
# 22 19 years ago

> There is an MTV commercial with a boy throwning pebbles @ a girls window. She doesn't respond, so he goes home only to find she is throwing pebbles @ his window. They smile. What is the name of that song & who performs it?
# 23 19 years ago

>There is a West 49 commercial with Bam Margera skateboarding on a rooftop ramp in Philly what is the song in the background and what band is it?????
# 24 19 years ago

> There is an MTV commercial with a boy throwning pebbles @ a girls window. She doesn't respond, so he goes home only to find she is throwing pebbles @ his window. They smile. What is the name of that song & who performs it?
# 25 19 years ago

> There is an MTV commercial with a boy throwning pebbles @ a girls window. She doesn't respond, so he goes home only to find she is throwing pebbles @ his window. They smile. What is the name of that song & who performs it?
# 26 19 years ago

does anyone know where i can download this commercial. the guy throwing pebbles at girl's window. please email me!!!!

> There is an MTV commercial with a boy throwning pebbles @ a girls window. She doesn't respond, so he goes home only to find she is throwing pebbles @ his window. They smile. What is the name of that song & who performs it?
# 27 19 years ago

its the commercial for the new real world season for philadelphia.. its like " when i see you i wanna... take off your clothesssss just take off your clothesssss" what is the name of the song and who sings it?
# 28 19 years ago

> destiny - zero seven
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