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Nissan commercial song

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# 1 20 years ago

In a commercial Nissan is currently airing featuring their entire lineup, the theme song they play goes something like "C'mon c'mon". Does anyone know what the name of this song is, thanks so much.
# 2 20 years ago

Hey Jimmy--if it's the same song that I've been trying to find it's called "Gravity Rides Everything" by Modest Mouse. I found the answer on and then pulled up the music clip. Here's a hyperlink to the clip on Amazon that you can copy and paste:

And here's a link to the lyrics:

Hope all that's helpful.
# 3 20 years ago

Hey Jimmy--if it's the same song that I've been trying to find it's called "Gravity Rides Everything" by Modest Mouse. I found the answer on and then pulled up the music clip. Here's a hyperlink to the clip on Amazon that you can copy and paste:

And here's a link to the lyrics:

Hope all that's helpful.
# 4 20 years ago

> If it is the commercial where cars are splashing thru water it is a song by group
SALIVA. and the song is called klick klick boom?

# 5 20 years ago

> Artist/Band is = SALIVA
CD title is = Every Six Seconds
RECORD LABEL: Island Records
RELEASED: 27 Mar 2001

song is = Click Click Boom

It rocks!

# 6 20 years ago


i've seen a commercial featuring the nissan pathfinder chinook and i want to know what's the music in it. Anyone has a hint ?


# 7 20 years ago

the nissan comercial with the opera and the guy getting hit with the water ballons what is the name of that song....
# 8 20 years ago

Hey, its a take on a song by a british band called "MUSE". The song is called 'Micro Cuts', and its off of the Origins of Symmetyry CD. Hard to find album, but rad.
# 9 20 years ago

i've been thinking the same thing! I'll tell you what, there is a band from the UK called MUSE. they do a song (unfortunatley i can't remember the name) but the rif is identical.
# 10 20 years ago

i've been thinking the same thing! I'll tell you what, there is a band from the UK called MUSE. they do a song (unfortunatley i can't remember the name) but the rif is identical.
# 11 20 years ago

HELLO' Does any one know the name of the classical song to the united airlines commercial.there's a new commercial that came out resently its a cartoon version with a bussiness travler on a cell fun at the end of the commercial he starts to jump up and down. If any one knows the name of this claasical song please respond. thank you
# 12 20 years ago

There is this van commercial I want to say it's the nissan quest commercial and at the end it says times have changed dont you think moms should too. The van is at the top of a building and the song has like 2 words. I'd like to know what song that is. Thank you.
# 13 20 years ago

Hey, there is another commercial where a guy is canoeing and its really foggy so he turns his car on and the lights go on, and it says "light house." What is the song during that commercial.

> In a commercial Nissan is currently airing featuring their entire lineup, the theme song they play goes something like "C'mon c'mon". Does anyone know what the name of this song is, thanks so much.
# 14 19 years ago

i just found out! "gravity rides everything" by modest mouse

> There is this van commercial I want to say it's the nissan quest commercial and at the end it says times have changed dont you think moms should too. The van is at the top of a building and the song has like 2 words. I'd like to know what song that is. Thank you.
# 15 19 years ago

The song is Rhapsody in Blue, by George Gershwin

> HELLO' Does any one know the name of the classical song to the united airlines commercial.there's a new commercial that came out resently its a cartoon version with a bussiness travler on a cell fun at the end of the commercial he starts to jump up and down. If any one knows the name of this claasical song please respond. thank you
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