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new starburst commercial song???

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# 16 20 years ago

> PJ Olsson sings the Whistle song... enjoy.
# 17 18 years ago

> hey!
> u may already no whats the song is called but it bothered me for so long anyways my friend told me its called the whistle song by pj olsson! i couldnt find it on kazza to download so i went to the starburst website and got it off of there!!
> > Ok i know that you can go to and theres a link to download the whistle song. But for some reason it just doesnt work for me. Does anyone know who actually sings the song and what its called?
> >
# 18 18 years ago

What is the name of the new starburst commercial when the boy and the girl are in the art class i really need to know it
# 19 18 years ago

> What is the name of the new starburst commercial when the boy and the girl are in the art class i really need to know it
# 20 18 years ago

> What is the name of the new starburst commercial when the boy and the girl are in the art class i really need to know it

it's by lionel richie...i think it's called "is it me you're looking for"
# 21 18 years ago

> Ok i know that you can go to and theres a link to download the whistle song. But for some reason it just doesnt work for me. Does anyone know who actually sings the song and what its called?
# 22 18 years ago

It's "Hello" by Lionel Richie

The commercial is a parody of the Hello music video
# 23 18 years ago

I don't know the name of the song, but you can watch the commercial here:

> > What is the name of the new starburst commercial when the boy and the girl are in the art class i really need to know it
> it's by lionel richie...i think it's called "is it me you're looking for"
# 24 18 years ago

> > hey!
> > u may already no whats the song is called but it bothered me for so long anyways my friend told me its called the whistle song by pj olsson! i couldnt find it on kazza to download so i went to the starburst website and got it off of there!!
> >
> >
> > > Ok i know that you can go to and theres a link to download the whistle song. But for some reason it just doesnt work for me. Does anyone know who actually sings the song and what its called?
> > >
> >

download it free from here.
# 25 18 years ago

> Ok i know that you can go to and theres a link to download the whistle song. But for some reason it just doesnt work for me. Does anyone know who actually sings the song and what its called?
# 26 18 years ago

> Ok i know that you can go to and theres a link to download the whistle song. But for some reason it just doesnt work for me. Does anyone know who actually sings the song and what its called?
# 27 17 years ago

>> how can i find that sour starburst commercial that i hear on the radio in the morning about a man chewing a sour start burst and this girl comes up to him and says why is your face like that and he says hold on its the new sour starburst and he swallows it and she says now whats wrong with your face and he says oh that i'm just really ugly its funny my personal opinion i've been looking all over for that radio commercial
# 28 17 years ago

that's funny because i'm looking for the starburst commercial where the guy doesn't know his colors and says "yellow" REALLY funny. let me know what you find out!

> >> how can i find that sour starburst commercial that i hear on the radio in the morning about a man chewing a sour start burst and this girl comes up to him and says why is your face like that and he says hold on its the new sour starburst and he swallows it and she says now whats wrong with your face and he says oh that i'm just really ugly its funny my personal opinion i've been looking all over for that radio commercial
# 29 16 years ago

Yeah I heard it too and i can't find it either. I even looked on youtube. I think that had to be the funniest commercial i ever listened to!

> >> how can i find that sour starburst commercial that i hear on the radio in the morning about a man chewing a sour start burst and this girl comes up to him and says why is your face like that and he says hold on its the new sour starburst and he swallows it and she says now whats wrong with your face and he says oh that i'm just really ugly its funny my personal opinion i've been looking all over for that radio commercial
# 30 16 years ago

> that's funny because i'm looking for the starburst commercial where the guy doesn't know his colors and says "yellow" REALLY funny. let me know what you find out!
> > >> how can i find that sour starburst commercial that i hear on the radio in the morning about a man chewing a sour start burst and this girl comes up to him and says why is your face like that and he says hold on its the new sour starburst and he swallows it and she says now whats wrong with your face and he says oh that i'm just really ugly its funny my personal opinion i've been looking all over for that radio commercial
> I'm also lookin' for the I never learned colors radio commercial
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