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new starburst commercial song???

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# 1 20 years ago

Ok i know that you can go to and theres a link to download the whistle song. But for some reason it just doesnt work for me. Does anyone know who actually sings the song and what its called?
# 2 20 years ago

It's called The Whistle Song and it's by P.J. Olsen.
# 3 20 years ago

> Ok i know that you can go to and theres a link to download the whistle song. But for some reason it just doesnt work for me. Does anyone know who actually sings the song and what its called?
It's called The Whistle Song by PJ Olsson. ^_~
# 4 20 years ago

just some guy
Is it me, or does that 'whistle song' sound a lot like the cotton song. You know the song that goes: 'the touch, the fell, of cotton, the fabric of our lives' just my two cents

>> Ok i know that you can go to and theres a link to download the whistle song. But for some reason it just doesnt work for me. Does anyone know who actually sings the song and what its called?
> It's called The Whistle Song by PJ Olsson. ^_~

# 5 20 years ago

> Is it me, or does that 'whistle song' sound a lot like the cotton song. You know the song that goes: 'the touch, the fell, of cotton, the fabric of our lives' just my two cents

> actually the song sounds like Donovan from the sixties.
# 6 20 years ago

where do I buy "The Whistle Song" and on what c.d is it on
# 7 20 years ago

u may already no whats the song is called but it bothered me for so long anyways my friend told me its called the whistle song by pj olsson! i couldnt find it on kazza to download so i went to the starburst website and got it off of there!!

> Ok i know that you can go to and theres a link to download the whistle song. But for some reason it just doesnt work for me. Does anyone know who actually sings the song and what its called?
# 8 20 years ago

PJ Olsson sings the Whistle song... enjoy.
# 9 20 years ago

haha theres that cute guy in the song tooo i love that commercial this may sound realllllly lmae but it maKES me fell soo happy when i see it. hah. that's not too lame is it?
# 10 19 years ago

I just want to know who the cute guy in the blue shirt is ^ ^ the one wiv da white shirt underneath the blue shirt and has dat kik ass hair.
# 11 20 years ago

The Whistle Song by PJ Olsson
# 12 20 years ago

omg forget the song people look at the guy with the big hair he is soperfect i love him he is my husband for the future he is the finest amn in the world i love him look at him look at him forget the song
# 13 20 years ago

> It's called The Whistle Song and it's by P.J. Olsen.
did you know that that is a really cool song? i was wondering... what's up with that laugh thing around the middle. it's not on the commercial but on the full song and i guess it's the guy laughing but it's really creepy.
# 14 20 years ago

> Ok i know that you can go to and theres a link to download the whistle song. But for some reason it just doesnt work for me. Does anyone know who actually sings the song and what its called?
It is P.J. Olsson. The whistle song is the name. Go to and look for it and it will give you the lyrics and download.
# 15 20 years ago

> PJ Olsson sings the Whistle song... enjoy.

HEY black person
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