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Citi "Identity Theft" Commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

Does anyone know if there's a downloadable of viewable version of Citibank's 'Identity Theft' commercial out there? The one I'm referring to is of the man sitting in his recliner speaking in a Valley Girl-like voice drinking a beer.
# 2 20 years ago

> Does anyone know if there's a downloadable of viewable version of Citibank's 'Identity Theft' commercial out there? The one I'm referring to is of the man sitting in his recliner speaking in a Valley Girl-like voice drinking a beer.
> Anyone? I don't know. I am looking for the same thing! I have told people about it but they haven't seen it and I want to send them a link so they can watch the fun, too! The ad is brilliant!

# 3 20 years ago

hahahah. I wish I knew. That is the best commercial ever. It makes my day.

# 4 20 years ago

if anyone knows how to download a copy of that 'citibank identity theft' commercial, i would greatly appreciate them telling me. thank you
# 5 20 years ago

> Does anyone know if there's a downloadable of viewable version of Citibank's 'Identity Theft' commercial out there? The one I'm referring to is of the man sitting in his recliner speaking in a Valley Girl-like voice drinking a beer.
> Anyone?
I have called Citibank, and am waiting for their marketing group to return my call for a copy of the commercial.

# 6 20 years ago

Please inform me of how i could get a copy of the commercial. Either how you are getting it, or if you would be willing to make a copy for me or send it via email
# 7 20 years ago

I regret that I don't have an answer for you, but I'm hoping someone will be able to help us soon. I really want to find a copy of this commercial. What a great ad campaign!

# 8 20 years ago

I have quicktimes of all three Identity Theft spots. If you email me I'll send you them.

>> Does anyone know if there's a downloadable of viewable version of Citibank's 'Identity Theft' commercial out there? The one I'm referring to is of the man sitting in his recliner speaking in a Valley Girl-like voice drinking a beer.
>> Anyone? I don't know. I am looking for the same thing! I have told people about it but they haven't seen it and I want to send them a link so they can watch the fun, too! The ad is brilliant!

# 9 20 years ago

I have quicktimes of all three spots. email me and I'll send them to you.

: Does anyone know if there's a downloadable of viewable version of Citibank's 'Identity Theft' commercial out there? The one I'm referring to is of the man sitting in his recliner speaking in a Valley Girl-like voice drinking a beer.
> Anyone?

# 10 20 years ago

Yeah, those Citibank ads are very popular. There's another one featuring a black woman talking in a Issac Hayes-like voice at a beauty salon and there's one featuring an elderly lady talking in a Adam Sandler-like voice taking goldfish out of the pool.
# 11 20 years ago

I'm looking for it too. It's is the funniest commercial I've seen in years if not ever.

# 12 20 years ago

> : Does anyone know if there's a downloadable of viewable version of Citibank's 'Identity Theft' commercial out there? The one I'm referring to is of the man sitting in his recliner speaking in a Valley Girl-like voice drinking a beer.
>> Anyone? I don't know. I am looking for the same thing! I have told people about it but they haven't seen it and I want to send them a link so they can watch the fun, too! The ad is brilliant!
I'm doing a senior paper on identity theft and would love this commercial to be part of my presentation...If anyone knows where i could download it that would be great
# 13 20 years ago

ok.. you guys are almost as funny as the commercial.. SO MANY POSTS W/O A SINGLE SOLUTION
I mean. DAMN, lets just have everyone agree that it is cool..
# 14 20 years ago

Don't forget there's also the Citi purchase protection one where the guy is on the treadmill that starts acting erratically, and is funny as heck as well.
# 15 20 years ago

> I have quicktimes of all three Identity Theft spots. If you email me I'll send you them.
> cheers
> ryan
> >> Does anyone know if there's a downloadable of viewable version of Citibank's 'Identity Theft' commercial out there? The one I'm referring to is of the man sitting in his recliner speaking in a Valley Girl-like voice drinking a beer.
> >> Anyone? I don't know. I am looking for the same thing! I have told people about it but they haven't seen it and I want to send them a link so they can watch the fun, too! The ad is brilliant!
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