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ipod commercial song?

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# 16 19 years ago

> > does anyone know the song to the ipod commercial with just the silhouettes rocking out to that song with flashing solid color backgrounds? the song goes like '1,2,3, blah blah blah' and so on. thanks!
> Cant find it anywhere
> Dude it is Are you gonna be my girl by jet !
# 17 19 years ago

> does anyone know the song to the ipod commercial with just the silhouettes rocking out to that song with flashing solid color backgrounds? the song goes like '1,2,3, blah blah blah' and so on. thanks!
# 18 19 years ago

Does anyone know the song on the ipod commercial with all the people on there break dancing and it goes something like "wake me up wine me down" and the beat is pretty fast.
# 19 18 years ago

> does anyone know the song to the ipod commercial with just the silhouettes rocking out to that song with flashing solid color backgrounds? the song goes like '1,2,3, blah blah blah' and so on. thanks!
yah it's called "walkie talkie man" by, steriogram...good tune!
# 20 18 years ago

> > does anyone know the song to the ipod commercial with just the silhouettes rocking out to that song with flashing solid color backgrounds? the song goes like '1,2,3, blah blah blah' and so on. thanks!
> >
# 21 18 years ago

> > does anyone know the song to the ipod commercial with just the silhouettes rocking out to that song with flashing solid color backgrounds? the song goes like '1,2,3, blah blah blah' and so on. thanks!
> >
walkie talkie man by stereogram
# 22 18 years ago

> > does anyone know the song to the ipod commercial with just the silhouettes rocking out to that song with flashing solid color backgrounds? the song goes like '1,2,3, blah blah blah' and so on. thanks!
> >
# 23 18 years ago

its called vertigo by u2
# 24 18 years ago

> > does anyone know the song to the ipod commercial with just the silhouettes rocking out to that song with flashing solid color backgrounds? the song goes like '1,2,3, blah blah blah' and so on. thanks!
> >

Caesars..Jerk it out
# 25 18 years ago

I believe the song that you are talking about, is by the Black Eyed Peas, the name of the song is called 'Pump It'. Hope that helped!
# 26 18 years ago

> > does anyone know the song to the ipod commercial with just the silhouettes rocking out to that song with flashing solid color backgrounds? the song goes like '1,2,3, blah blah blah' and so on. thanks!
> >
> Walkie Talkie Man by Steriogram
# 27 18 years ago

> > does anyone know the song to the ipod commercial with just the silhouettes rocking out to that song with flashing solid color backgrounds? the song goes like '1,2,3, blah blah blah' and so on. thanks!
> >
It's by Jet and it's called "are you gonna be my girl"
# 28 18 years ago

> > does anyone know the song to the ipod commercial with just the silhouettes rocking out to that song with flashing solid color backgrounds? the song goes like '1,2,3, blah blah blah' and so on. thanks!
> >
# 29 18 years ago

Does anybody know the song on the 1st ipod commercial, its not Gonna be your girl by Jet, I have been looking for the song for weeks and cont find anything.....
# 30 18 years ago

> > The song is called walkie talkie man by
> > steriogram
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