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commercial song request

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# 1 20 years ago

I am not sure of the commercial but the song goes something like 'You're my fluffy one, my little fluffy wuffy one....'
Any info would be appreciated

# 2 20 years ago


# 3 20 years ago

> I am not sure of the commercial but the song goes something like 'You're my fluffy one, my little fluffy wuffy one....'
: Any info would be appreciated
The commercial is for Yoplait Whips (obviously it's not that effective).
# 4 20 years ago

I have been looking for the song myself, I saw or heard it in a Yoplait whips commercial.
# 5 20 years ago

Its the Yoplait Whips commercial.. and i love that song too. I want to know if it is a real song or not.
> I am not sure of the commercial but the song goes something like 'You're my fluffy one, my little fluffy wuffy one....'
: Any info would be appreciated

# 6 20 years ago

I love that commercial, Ive been searching the internet and cant find the song!!!
# 7 20 years ago

> I am not sure of the commercial but the song goes something like 'You're my fluffy one, my little fluffy wuffy one....'
: Any info would be appreciated

# 8 20 years ago

> I am not sure of the commercial but the song goes something like 'You're my fluffy one, my little fluffy wuffy one....'
: Any info would be appreciated

It's the Yogurt Whips commercial. I love the song cause it reminds me of my cat, but can't find out the real name of it - any other info would be helpful

# 9 20 years ago

> I am not sure of the commercial but the song goes something like 'You're my fluffy one, my little fluffy wuffy one....'
: Any info would be appreciated

It's the Yogurt Whips commercial. I love the song cause it reminds me of my cat, but can't find out the real name of it - any other info would be helpful

# 10 20 years ago

> I am not sure of the commercial but the song goes something like 'You're my fluffy one, my little fluffy wuffy one....'
: Any info would be appreciated

# 11 20 years ago

> I am not sure of the commercial but the song goes something like 'You're my fluffy one, my little fluffy wuffy one....'
: Any info would be appreciated

If you can find the link or a sound bite of this, my wife is dying to get it. Holiday time, Gotta find this one. Let me know if you've had any luck!! Thanks!!

# 12 20 years ago

Ok, I am dying to know what this song is too and I've searched every search engine I know and can't find it. I have just send an e-mail to Yoplait requesting the info. I'll try to let you know if they reply to me.
# 13 20 years ago

You're my little fluffy one, my fluffy one the one that makes my heart go yum, your're my coochie woochie wippie tooo, you're the one that makes my heart go yum. That's how it goes
# 14 20 years ago

> It is from the cool whip commercial.
"You're my little fluffy one. My fluffy wuffy one that makes my mouth go yum. You're my coochie woochie whippy doo. You make all my fluffy whippy dreams come true" Thats not exactly but its kinda. Best commmercial song everrrr!!!!
# 15 20 years ago

>The song was from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, but they changed the words Song was written and sung by Maurice Sherman and was called" Your My Little Chu-chi Face if in doubt go to the MGM site and put Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in the search field

I am not sure of the commercial but the song goes something like 'You're my fluffy one, my little fluffy wuffy one....'
> Any info would be appreciated
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