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# 1 20 years ago

I have 1 question: who is the girl from Linkin Park's video Numb??? tell me please thank you :o) Denisa
# 2 20 years ago

> I have 1 question: who is the girl from Linkin Park's video Numb??? tell me please thank you :o) Denisa
THAT VIDEO IS OUT? HOLY SHIT. I MUST SEE IT. sorry i cant help lol.just a question, why do u wanna know?
# 3 20 years ago

> : I have 1 question: who is the girl from Linkin Park's video Numb??? tell me please thank you :o) Denisa
> THAT VIDEO IS OUT? HOLY SHIT. I MUST SEE IT. sorry i cant help lol.just a question, why do u wanna know?
that vid is amazing..oh sorry i cant help you either

# 4 20 years ago

please, i need the answer quickly!!
What is the LP's Numb video about???
And who is the director????
please answer me to
i need the answer before 3 september!!!!!!!!!!!!!

# 5 20 years ago

please, i need the answer quickly!!
What is the LP's Numb video about???
And who is the director????
please answer me to
i need the answer before 3 september!!!!!!!!!!!!!

# 6 20 years ago

> :> I have 1 question: who is the girl from Linkin Park's video Numb??? tell me please thank you :o) Denisa
>> THAT VIDEO IS OUT? HOLY SHIT. I MUST SEE IT. sorry i cant help lol.just a question, why do u wanna know?
> that vid is amazing..oh sorry i cant help you either
hey if anyone can tell me who she is , and mybe give some link to a site or something that wud b great

# 7 20 years ago

> I have 1 question: who is the girl from Linkin Park's video Numb??? tell me please thank you :o) Denisa

# 8 20 years ago

yah anyone know the girl i need to know

# 9 20 years ago

yah anyone know the girl i need to know

# 10 20 years ago

how did you see the video

# 11 20 years ago

her name is Briana Evigan and shes fuckin gorgeous

# 12 20 years ago

> :> I have 1 question: who is the girl from Linkin Park's video Numb??? tell me please thank you :o) Denisa
>> THAT VIDEO IS OUT? HOLY SHIT. I MUST SEE IT. sorry i cant help lol.just a question, why do u wanna know?
> that vid is amazing..oh sorry i cant help you either

# 13 20 years ago

I'm not entirely sure but she looks an aweful lot like CHYLER LEIGH (best known from Not another teen movie). And she was in the Marylin Manson Tainted Love vid. Well, that's my best guess and comparing the vid and a photo...
# 14 20 years ago

I'm not entirely sure but she looks an aweful lot like CHYLER LEIGH (best known from Not another teen movie). And she was in the Marylin Manson Tainted Love vid. Well, that's my best guess and comparing the vid and a photo...
# 15 20 years ago

sent me about girl in linkinpark's numb video please.. thanks
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