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# 16 20 years ago

the girl in the video is katherine spencer an ex girlfriends of rob's.. they remain good friends to this day

# 17 20 years ago

> :> I have 1 question: who is the girl from Linkin Park's video Numb??? tell me please thank you :o) Denisa
>> THAT VIDEO IS OUT? HOLY SHIT. I MUST SEE IT. sorry i cant help lol.just a question, why do u wanna know?
> that vid is amazing..oh sorry i cant help you either

# 18 20 years ago

Who is She?
Thanks and please email me at
# 19 20 years ago

the girls is the same girl from the crawling video and chesters wife....... If you have anymore questions hit me at my email
# 20 20 years ago

I think she is Katelyn Rosaasen. Not entirely sure, however.
# 21 20 years ago

her name is briana evigan. she goes to my school.

# 22 20 years ago

Someone told me her name is Brianna Evigan.

# 23 20 years ago

> :> I have 1 question: who is the girl from Linkin Park's video Numb??? tell me please thank you :o) Denisa
>> THAT VIDEO IS OUT? HOLY SHIT. I MUST SEE IT. sorry i cant help lol.just a question, why do u wanna know?
> that vid is amazing..oh sorry i cant help you either
i havent seen the video...but tell the girl white with dark brown hair and skinny and pretty...because my friend was telling me that she thinks that she is this girl from beverly hills high that we met at cheer camp

# 24 20 years ago

> :> I have 1 question: who is the girl from Linkin Park's video Numb??? tell me please thank you :o) Denisa
>> THAT VIDEO IS OUT? HOLY SHIT. I MUST SEE IT. sorry i cant help lol.just a question, why do u wanna know?
> that vid is amazing..oh sorry i cant help you either
I saw the video this morning and it is the girl I saw at cheer camp. I can't remember her name, but she is a songleader from beverly hills high. she's an awesome dancer! she was at the camp I went to ans she was on a team with Melissa Joan Hart's little sister (dont know her name either). They were on the same team. That's all i know
# 25 20 years ago

her name is briana evigan.
>> : I have 1 question: who is the girl from Linkin Park's video Numb??? tell me please thank you :o) Denisa
>> THAT VIDEO IS OUT? HOLY SHIT. I MUST SEE IT. sorry i cant help lol.just a question, why do u wanna know?
> that vid is amazing..oh sorry i cant help you either

# 26 20 years ago

Hahaha! Im not the only one trying to find out who she is! :D OMG she's beautiful!
# 27 20 years ago

> the girls is the same girl from the crawling video and chesters wife....... If you have anymore questions hit me at my email

OK... the girl in this video isn't Katelyn Rosaasen (from Crawling) OR Samantha Bennington, AKA Chester's wife. You must be a f**king idiot.
# 28 20 years ago

> I have 1 question: who is the girl from Linkin Park's video Numb??? tell me please thank you :o) Denisa
i want t know as well
# 29 20 years ago

> Hahaha! Im not the only one trying to find out who she is! :D OMG she's beautiful!
Can you post a picture or something here?
# 30 20 years ago

hA hA !!! who is she ...
She plays very GoOd !!!
buT who is she ..
I lOve her act :p
When I first saW numb on
I was totaly blowN oFf !!!!!!!
It`s my favorit LP video maN` !!!!!
but whO is she..
Please MAIL to me, and I would be very thank full to yA` !!!! :d
peace & believe in ufo`s kAjA
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