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# 16 20 years ago

Does anyone know where I can find the bud commercial with the football player in the locker room?
# 17 20 years ago

Finally found the answer as I've been looking for it myself for a while. The band is Weekend Players and the song itself is called "Best Days of Our Lives" from their 2002 album, "Pursuit of Happiness." Hope that helps
# 18 20 years ago

> > Whats the name of the song from the Budwiser that sounds likeatechnoor housemusic song that involves guitars
> >
# 19 20 years ago

> >
# 20 20 years ago

> > Whats the name of the song from the Budwiser that sounds likeatechnoor housemusic song that involves guitars
> >

I found your post by searching for the very same song, and after some digging around, I finally found here you are!

It's "Face to Face" by Daft Punk, and it's from their "Discovery" album.
# 21 20 years ago

> Whats the name of the song from the Budweiser commercial where the guy is playing the guitar in his room and the narrator is like 'This is how you lost your job, your girlfriend, etc.' Then it shows him playing at a rock concert and this girl jumping on him and security rushing the girl.
# 22 20 years ago

> Whats the name of the song from the Budweiser commercial where the guy is playing the guitar in his room and the narrator is like 'This is how you lost your job, your girlfriend, etc.' Then it shows him playing at a rock concert and this girl jumping on him and security rushing the girl.
# 23 20 years ago

> Whats the name of the song from the Budweiser commercial where the lyris are "what goes around---and---its time to get down". I saw it air for the first time March 1st.
# 24 20 years ago

> Whats the name of the song from the Budweiser commercial with Jennifer Anniston in the supermarket!! Please Help.!!!
# 25 20 years ago

> i uno i reralllllllly wanna noe how to play it ive been looking everywhere
# 26 20 years ago

> > Whats the name of the song from the Budweiser commercial where the lyris are "what goes around---and---its time to get down". I saw it air for the first time March 1st.
> Thanks>
# 27 20 years ago

> > Whats the name of the song from the Budweiser commercial where the lyris are "what goes around---and---its time to get down". I saw it air for the first time March 1st.
> Thanks>
# 28 19 years ago

> > > Whats the name of the song from the Budweiser commercial where the lyris are "what goes around---and---its time to get down". I saw it air for the first time March 1st.
> > Thanks>
> >
# 29 19 years ago

What's the name of the song in the Budweiser commercial where there is a girl singing "sleep forever and a day" yada yada something about the Milkyway?
# 30 19 years ago

> Whats the name of the song from the Budweiser commercial where the guy is playing the guitar in his room and the narrator is like 'This is how you lost your job, your girlfriend, etc.' Then it shows him playing at a rock concert and this girl jumping on him and security rushing the girl.
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