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"reality check" heineken commercial music

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# 1 20 years ago

does anyone know who sings the song in the new heineken commercial? it's the one where there's a beer commercial being shot on a rooftop and then it pulls back to two guys watching the shoot from their rooftop drinking heineken and the phrase 'the reality check' pops up. i was wondering who sings that song. it sounds kind of india arie-ish. any help would be greatlly appreciated. thanks. jenna
# 2 20 years ago

Music: Tony Kelly
# 3 20 years ago

hey there jenna!!! the song you are referring is NOT sung by india. arie, but is done by her motown label mate Brian McKnight (i'm 90% sure of this +/- 3%......) i knew i wasn't the only one who took notice of that song!!!!!!!!!> does anyone know who sings the song in the new heineken commercial? it's the one where there's a beer commercial being shot on a rooftop and then it pulls back to two guys watching the shoot from their rooftop drinking heineken and the phrase 'the reality check' pops up. i was wondering who sings that song. it sounds kind of india arie-ish. any help would be greatlly appreciated. thanks. jenna

# 4 20 years ago

i also want to know!!
if you find out any time soon PLEASE it would be so great if you could email me the singer and the title of the song thank you so muchh

# 5 20 years ago

Heh... i'm trying to find it too
# 6 20 years ago

Apparently, the singer you are curious about is a guy named Tony Kelly. He is mainly a reggae producer who has most notably produced Sean Paul. I spoke with people at the post-production house that did the Heineken spot--Fluid in NYC--and they told me that Tony sang that bit for the commercial and it is unfortunately not a real song. I liked it alot too. Hope that was helpful.

# 7 20 years ago

> does anyone know who sings the song in the new heineken commercial? it's the one where there's a beer commercial being shot on a rooftop and then it pulls back to two guys watching the shoot from their rooftop drinking heineken and the phrase 'the reality check' pops up. i was wondering who sings that song. it sounds kind of india arie-ish. any help would be greatlly appreciated. thanks. jenna
I don't know who sings the song, but will find out for you. My daughter was an extra in the commercial and will be in the October issue of Glamour magazine.
# 8 20 years ago

> does anyone know who sings the song in the new heineken commercial? it's the one where there's a beer commercial being shot on a rooftop and then it pulls back to two guys watching the shoot from their rooftop drinking heineken and the phrase 'the reality check' pops up. i was wondering who sings that song. it sounds kind of india arie-ish. any help would be greatlly appreciated. thanks. jenna

# 9 20 years ago

the name of the band is fluid. I was looking for it myself because I really liked the song. I searched around on the internet under rooftop heineken and found the production credits. I dont know the name of the song though. Good luck

# 10 20 years ago

I called the people who made the commercial and they said that its an original piece by Tony Kelly called Take Me Away.

# 11 20 years ago

i been searching for it too, and i cant seem to find it either

# 12 20 years ago

christ, someone must know!
# 13 20 years ago

Did you find out who sings this song?


commercial? it's the one where there's a beer commercial being shot on a rooftop and then it pulls back to two guys watching the shoot from their rooftop drinking heineken and the phrase 'the reality check' pops up. i was wondering who sings that song. it sounds kind of india arie-ish. any help would be greatlly appreciated. thanks. jenna

# 14 20 years ago

Hey Girl,
I was looking for the same song if you find it just let me know what it is. If you can just send it too my e-mail.
# 15 19 years ago

It was an original jingle created specifically for the commercial. Below is the info for the company that produced the commercial (including all the music in it.)
Fluid, the New York-based original music, sound design, visual effects and editorial studio, is headquartered at 532 Broadway, 5th floor, New York, NY 10012; phone (212) 431-4342; fax (212) 431-6525.

: does anyone know who sings the song in the new heineken commercial? it's the one where there's a beer commercial being shot on a rooftop and then it pulls back to two guys watching the shoot from their rooftop drinking heineken and the phrase 'the reality check' pops up. i was wondering who sings that song. it sounds kind of india arie-ish. any help would be greatlly appreciated. thanks. jenna

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