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sony walkman minidisc commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

does anyone know the song to the sony minidisc commercial with the blue alien? (its a new commercial where a lot of people are having a beach dance party at night)
# 2 20 years ago

No But I would also like to know what it is....

: does anyone know the song to the sony minidisc commercial with the blue alien? (its a new commercial where a lot of people are having a beach dance party at night)

# 3 20 years ago

> does anyone know the song to the sony minidisc commercial with the blue alien? (its a new commercial where a lot of people are having a beach dance party at night)
I think that it is an entire mix that the x-ecutioners made for sony. I don't really know but I am sure that it is by the x-ecutioners from the scratching and by what it says on the laptop in the commercial.

# 4 20 years ago

Hey, I have the same Question. I saw something that said X-ecutioners, but I'm not sure.
# 5 20 years ago

Hey I want to know the name too, if you find out can you let me know? Thanks

# 6 20 years ago

Yeah does anyone know?
# 7 20 years ago

x-ecutioners "like this"
# 8 20 years ago

> > does anyone know the song to the sony minidisc commercial with the blue alien? (its a new commercial where a lot of people are having a beach dance party at night)
> I think that it is an entire mix that the x-ecutioners made for sony. I don't really know but I am sure that it is by the x-ecutioners from the scratching and by what it says on the laptop in the commercial.
I have no idea what thge song is called, but im trying to find ou. i think i even tried calling sony to ask them but it was that stuff where you have to press a number and the pound sign, and i was never able to actually talk with anyone. imn gonna keep trying to find the name, but if anyone knows it please tell me. I really really really wanna know!
# 9 20 years ago

> > does anyone know the song to the sony minidisc commercial with the blue alien? (its a new commercial where a lot of people are having a beach dance party at night)
> I think that it is an entire mix that the x-ecutioners made for sony. I don't really know but I am sure that it is by the x-ecutioners from the scratching and by what it says on the laptop in the commercial.
I have no idea what thge song is called, but im trying to find ou. i think i even tried calling sony to ask them but it was that stuff where you have to press a number and the pound sign, and i was never able to actually talk with anyone. imn gonna keep trying to find the name, but if anyone knows it please tell me. I really really really wanna know!
# 10 20 years ago

> > does anyone know the song to the sony minidisc commercial with the blue alien? (its a new commercial where a lot of people are having a beach dance party at night)
> I think that it is an entire mix that the x-ecutioners made for sony. I don't really know but I am sure that it is by the x-ecutioners from the scratching and by what it says on the laptop in the commercial.
I have no idea what thge song is called, but im trying to find ou. i think i even tried calling sony to ask them but it was that stuff where you have to press a number and the pound sign, and i was never able to actually talk with anyone. imn gonna keep trying to find the name, but if anyone knows it please tell me. I really really really wanna know!
# 11 20 years ago

> > does anyone know the song to the sony minidisc commercial with the blue alien? (its a new commercial where a lot of people are having a beach dance party at night)
> I think that it is an entire mix that the x-ecutioners made for sony. I don't really know but I am sure that it is by the x-ecutioners from the scratching and by what it says on the laptop in the commercial.
I have no idea what thge song is called, but im trying to find ou. i think i even tried calling sony to ask them but it was that stuff where you have to press a number and the pound sign, and i was never able to actually talk with anyone. imn gonna keep trying to find the name, but if anyone knows it please tell me. I really really really wanna know!
# 12 20 years ago

> > does anyone know the song to the sony minidisc commercial with the blue alien? (its a new commercial where a lot of people are having a beach dance party at night)
> I think that it is an entire mix that the x-ecutioners made for sony. I don't really know but I am sure that it is by the x-ecutioners from the scratching and by what it says on the laptop in the commercial.
I have no idea what thge song is called, but im trying to find ou. i think i even tried calling sony to ask them but it was that stuff where you have to press a number and the pound sign, and i was never able to actually talk with anyone. imn gonna keep trying to find the name, but if anyone knows it please tell me. I really really really wanna know!
# 13 20 years ago

> > does anyone know the song to the sony minidisc commercial with the blue alien? (its a new commercial where a lot of people are having a beach dance party at night)
> I think that it is an entire mix that the x-ecutioners made for sony. I don't really know but I am sure that it is by the x-ecutioners from the scratching and by what it says on the laptop in the commercial.
I have no idea what thge song is called, but im trying to find ou. i think i even tried calling sony to ask them but it was that stuff where you have to press a number and the pound sign, and i was never able to actually talk with anyone. imn gonna keep trying to find the name, but if anyone knows it please tell me. I really really really wanna know!
# 14 20 years ago

> > does anyone know the song to the sony minidisc commercial with the blue alien? (its a new commercial where a lot of people are having a beach dance party at night)
> I think that it is an entire mix that the x-ecutioners made for sony. I don't really know but I am sure that it is by the x-ecutioners from the scratching and by what it says on the laptop in the commercial.
I have no idea what thge song is called, but im trying to find ou. i think i even tried calling sony to ask them but it was that stuff where you have to press a number and the pound sign, and i was never able to actually talk with anyone. imn gonna keep trying to find the name, but if anyone knows it please tell me. I really really really wanna know!
# 15 20 years ago

> > does anyone know the song to the sony minidisc commercial with the blue alien? (its a new commercial where a lot of people are having a beach dance party at night)
> I think that it is an entire mix that the x-ecutioners made for sony. I don't really know but I am sure that it is by the x-ecutioners from the scratching and by what it says on the laptop in the commercial.
I have no idea what thge song is called, but im trying to find ou. i think i even tried calling sony to ask them but it was that stuff where you have to press a number and the pound sign, and i was never able to actually talk with anyone. imn gonna keep trying to find the name, but if anyone knows it please tell me. I really really really wanna know!
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