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PLEASE Mercedes Benz String commericial

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# 16 20 years ago

:That IS a great sounding song. It is called 'I've got the world on a string'. It is a classic, I am not sure who sings this particular version.
# 17 20 years ago

Andrew Lam
No, I have Krall's version. It isn't her in the commercial.

# 18 19 years ago

The song is 'I've Got The World On A String' by Arlen/Koehler.
I’ve got the world on a string
I’m sitting on a rainbow
Got the string around my finger
What a world, what a life - I’m in love
I’ve got a song that I sing
I can make the rain go
Any time I move my finger
Lucky me, can’t you see - I’m in love
Life’s a wonderful thing
As long as I hold the string
I’d be a silly so-and-so
If I should ever let her go
Just a guess, but it sounds like another excellent cover by Pamela Miller, who sang the kickin version of 'I Only Have Eyes For You' in an earlier Mercedes commercial.
# 19 19 years ago

The song 'I've got the world on the string' is by Diana Krall, but that isn't her singing the song on the commercial. I am trying to find out who the person is that is singing it. It sounds like Norah Jones. Please let me know if you find out.

: I think it may be Diana Krall's version of the 'I've got the world on a string' song. Frank Sinatra has sung that song and so has a few people. THe only thing is I've never heard Diana Krall's version, and judging by the jazzy nature of the song, the song in the commercial could be hers.
> If you get anymore information be sure to post!

# 20 20 years ago

Did you ever find out the Song/Artist?

: i have spent a good two hours going through past messages in search of the name of the song for the mercedes benz string campaign.
> the song is by a girl(sounds kind of like jewel) and the ending lyrics are like..
> string around my finger..
: what a world what a life oh im in love.
> any help? anyone? please?

# 21 20 years ago

'We appreciate your interest in our commercial. The song in the advertisement
of our 'Strings' commercial is an original arrangement of 'I've Got the World
on a String' by Sound Music, and is sung by Ann M. Hayden. This original
arrangement is exclusive for this advertisement and is not available for sale.'
That sucks!
# 22 20 years ago

Eugene -
Any luck tracking down singer on this. I'm looking for same information. Thank you.

: i have spent a good two hours going through past messages in search of the name of the song for the mercedes benz string campaign.
> the song is by a girl(sounds kind of like jewel) and the ending lyrics are like..
> string around my finger..
: what a world what a life oh im in love.
> any help? anyone? please?

# 23 20 years ago

They created the version for Mercedes Benz.
# 24 20 years ago

it aint diana thats for sure!
# 25 20 years ago

It's definitely NOT Diana Krall's version of the song
# 26 20 years ago

ok, i don't know if anyone have suggested this yet, but i've spent a lot of time searching for this song and eliminated peggy lee, diana krall, etc, etc, as candidates...the only one left is the very obscure and unknown:
this is the record company, in the artist album description it says: 'Jazz standards from Gershwin/Porter Berlin with great guitar arrangements and solos by Joe Puma'.
Sounds like it might be, right? but i haven't been able to listen to the song anywhere, and i don't want to risk buying the album by mistake (it's on amazon).
let me know!
# 27 20 years ago

I don't think its Diana Kralls. That's not her voice. I heard her version of it and its not the same.
# 28 20 years ago

It seems that unless Mercedes releases it, we will never see it on CD.
While checking around, I listened to Connie Evingson's Some Cats Know cd. It has the song, but I couldn't find a clip of it. But listening to other cuts, I found her voice to be very much like that in the commercial.

# 29 20 years ago

> i have spent a good two hours going through past messages in search of the name of the song for the mercedes benz string campaign.
> the song is by a girl(sounds kind of like jewel) and the ending lyrics are like..
> string around my finger..
: what a world what a life oh im in love.
> any help? anyone? please?

# 30 20 years ago

> : i have spent a good two hours going through past messages in search of the name of the song for the mercedes benz string campaign.
>> the song is by a girl(sounds kind of like jewel) and the ending lyrics are like..
>> string around my finger..
:> what a world what a life oh im in love.
When you find out, let me know. I really like the cool acoustic guitar that accompanies the song.
>> any help? anyone? please?

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