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Clipland Forum Hilary Duff

Hilary's email

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# 1 18 years ago

Hi Hilary, my name is Edoardo and I live in Italy. I love all the songs you did, espescially Wake up; because it always give me energy to do tests and solve problems at school. I have 12 years old, I am well built and nealy all the girls of my school want to be my girfriends. I like very much that I have a photo in my diary of you.I hope you will answer me back so may I have your email adress.

your faithfully eddie.
# 2 18 years ago

hi my name is haya and am your fave fane plz can i have your email plz.
and can you send some stuff in the post like your new profme games pic a c.d plz
on that address:
hounslow east
north drive
house 92 in the left.
ok and i really like your songs i really like uuuuu so much and give email and send a message.
sooooo wats up
am ok but am extide about it. thats ma email plz add me me.
i listen to ur song wake up alot of times i love it
# 3 18 years ago

Hi Hilary Duff,
My name is Julia. Im 11 and live in BC. I LUV your song Brake my heart. Its so pimp! I'm a blondie. Kyle is best friend, (he gags at u, but he still thinks your hot:)
ANyways email me at
# 4 18 years ago

> Hi Hilary, my name is Melissa and I live in Spring Tx. I love all the songs you did, espescially Wake up; because it always give me energy to do tests and solve problems at Home. I don't have kids, I am veary good and all the guys in my naberhood do'nt like me 4 a girfriend. I hope you will answer me back so may I don't have your email adress.
> your friend Melissa.
# 5 18 years ago

> Hi Hilary, my name is Melissa and I live in Spring Tx. I love all the songs you did, espescially Wake up; because it always give me energy to do tests and solve problems at Home. I don't have kids, I am veary good and all the guys in my naberhood do'nt like me 4 a girfriend. I hope you will answer me back so may I don't have your email adress.
> your friend Melissa.
# 6 18 years ago

> Hi Hilary, my name is Melissa and I live in Spring Tx. I love all the songs you did, espescially Wake up; because it always give me energy to do tests and solve problems at Home. I don't have kids, I am veary good and all the guys in my naberhood do'nt like me 4 a girfriend. I hope you will answer me back so may I have your email adress.
> your friend Melissa.
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