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Clipland Forum Hilary Duff

hilery duff info

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# 1 18 years ago

Hi this is 1 of hilary duffs cousens im 13 and i live in L.A now most people never belive me on this but they can't hack it i live around 6 miles away from the part where she lives just don belive what people say her emsail is cuz its just not true i can't realy let u have her ph no. but her email is (dont email to much 1ce a week should do

love josh cook ps i am on her mums side so im not josh duff)
# 2 18 years ago

> Hi this is 1 of hilary duffs cousens im 13 and i live in L.A now most people never belive me on this but they can't hack it i live around 6 miles away from the part where she lives just don belive what people say her emsail is cuz its just not true i can't realy let u have her ph no. but her email is (dont email to much 1ce a week should do
> love josh cook ps i am on her mums side so im not josh duff)
# 3 18 years ago

> Hi this is 1 of hilary duffs cousens im 13 and i live in L.A now most people never belive me on this but they can't hack it i live around 6 miles away from the part where she lives just don belive what people say her emsail is cuz its just not true i can't realy let u have her ph no. but her email is (dont email to much 1ce a week should do
> love josh cook ps i am on her mums side so im not josh duff)
# 4 18 years ago

> Hi this is 1 of hilary duffs cousens im 13 and i live in L.A now most people never belive me on this but they can't hack it i live around 6 miles away from the part where she lives just don belive what people say her emsail is cuz its just not true i can't realy let u have her ph no. but her email is (dont email to much 1ce a week should do
> love josh cook ps i am on her mums side so im not josh duff)
# 5 18 years ago

> Hi this is 1 of hilary duffs cousens im 13 and i live in L.A now most people never belive me on this but they can't hack it i live around 6 miles away from the part where she lives just don belive what people say her emsail is cuz its just not true i can't realy let u have her ph no. but her email is (dont email to much 1ce a week should do
> love josh cook ps i am on her mums side so im not josh duff)
# 6 18 years ago

Lukash Kowcz
>Hi I am Lukash I live in OH Clevland Brecksville 6535 Wallings can you send me all your CDS I love your sining my favrate CD is WANTED
# 7 18 years ago

> Hi this is 1 of hilary duffs cousens im 13 and i live in L.A now most people never belive me on this but they can't hack it i live around 6 miles away from the part where she lives just don belive what people say her emsail is cuz its just not true i can't realy let u have her ph no. but her email is (dont email to much 1ce a week should do
> love josh cook ps i am on her mums side so im not josh duff)
# 8 18 years ago

> Hi this is 1 of hilary duffs cousens im 13 and i live in L.A now most people never belive me on this but they can't hack it i live around 6 miles away from the part where she lives just don belive what people say her emsail is cuz its just not true i can't realy let u have her ph no. but her email is (dont email to much 1ce a week should do
> love josh cook ps i am on her mums side so im not josh duff)
# 9 18 years ago

> Hi this is 1 of hilary duffs cousens im 13 and i live in L.A now most people never belive me on this but they can't hack it i live around 6 miles away from the part where she lives just don belive what people say her emsail is cuz its just not true i can't realy let u have her ph no. but her email is (dont email to much 1ce a week should do
> love josh cook ps i am on her mums side so im not josh duff)
# 10 18 years ago

> Hi this is 1 of hilary duffs cousens im 13 and i live in L.A now most people never belive me on this but they can't hack it i live around 6 miles away from the part where she lives just don belive what people say her emsail is cuz its just not true i can't realy let u have her ph no. but her email is (dont email to much 1ce a week should do
> love josh cook ps i am on her mums side so im not josh duff)
# 11 18 years ago

My name is Leroy
> > Hi this is 1 of hilary duffs cousens im 13 and i live in L.A now most people never belive me on this but they can't hack it i live around 6 miles away from the part where she lives just don belive what people say her emsail is cuz its just not true i can't realy let u have her ph no. but her email is (dont email to much 1ce a week should do
> >
> > love josh cook ps i am on her mums side so im not josh duff)
> >
# 12 18 years ago

> Hi this is 1 of hilary duffs cousens im 13 and i live in L.A now most people never belive me on this but they can't hack it i live around 6 miles away from the part where she lives just don belive what people say her emsail is cuz its just not true i can't realy let u have her ph no. but her email is (dont email to much 1ce a week should do
> love josh cook ps i am on her mums side so im not josh duff)
# 13 18 years ago

> Hi this is 1 of hilary duffs cousens im 13 and i live in L.A now most people never belive me on this but they can't hack it i live around 6 miles away from the part where she lives just don belive what people say her emsail is cuz its just not true i can't realy let u have her ph no. but her email is (dont email to much 1ce a week should do
> love josh cook ps i am on her mums side so im not josh duff)
# 14 18 years ago

> Hi this is 1 of hilary duffs cousens im 13 and i live in L.A now most people never belive me on this but they can't hack it i live around 6 miles away from the part where she lives just don belive what people say her emsail is cuz its just not true i can't realy let u have her ph no. but her email is (dont email to much 1ce a week should do
> love josh cook ps i am on her mums side so im not josh duff)
# 15 18 years ago

> > Hi this is 1 of hilary duffs cousens im 13 and i live in L.A now most people never belive me on this but they can't hack it i live around 6 miles away from the part where she lives just don belive what people say her emsail is cuz its just not true i can't realy let u have her ph no. but her email is (dont email to much 1ce a week should do
> >
> > love josh cook ps i am on her mums side so im not josh duff)
> >
(Messages 1 to 15 of 33 (Page 1 of 3) ) Next 15 messages >>

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