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Clipland Forum Hilary Duff

famous hil

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# 1 18 years ago

hi hil hope u ok.
i am a
maltese girl from malta a small island .you are my most favouirite person about you.wake up really is fantastic and i encourage you to continue cause you are a real success . i am watching out for material girls and food fight . i really like raise your voice. hope ou will read my message and have a little time too spare .sorry if i am bothering you but i cant help. even if you send me just thanks i will be happy. come over to malta someday and get lost here.
lots of love and encouragement yolanda
# 2 18 years ago

> hi hil hope u ok.
> i am a
> maltese girl from malta a small island .you are my most favouirite person about you.wake up really is fantastic and i encourage you to continue cause you are a real success . i am watching out for material girls and food fight . i really like raise your voice. hope ou will read my message and have a little time too spare .sorry if i am bothering you but i cant help. even if you send me just thanks i will be happy. come over to malta someday and get lost here.
> lots of love and encouragement yolanda
# 3 18 years ago

My name is Ali, Algerian , 31 years old , state engineer of computer science, I’m looking for a sweet friends from Malta , I’m not a smoker , not a drinker , I like travelling , walking , nature, I want my friend will honest, good, nice , with big, white and lovely heart. The love for me is a priceless gift that cannot be bought or sold but its value is far greater than a mountain made of gold , for gold is cold and lifeless, it can neither see nor hear , in time of trouble , it is powerless to cheer, gold has no ears to listen , no heart to understand , it can’t bring you comfort or reach out a helping hand , so when you ask God for gift be thankful if he doesn’t send diamonds , pearls or riches but the love of real true love.
Hoping to receive an answer as quickly as possible
If you want to contact me please use my mail.
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