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Clipland Forum Hilary Duff

hello this is a island girl speking

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# 1 18 years ago

hello hillary i am a big fan and i was going to see you concert in vancouver but none of my friends could come so i wantd to but i wouldent have anyone to be there with. my nana and grampa live in vancouver. i uesed to live there but we moved back to cortes island and thats where i am right know. it's in B.C. i really don't like it i am more the city girl but 3 more years i can live. i entered the contest to come and see you in concert. i am hopeing that i win. but there is lots of other people that are entering so i don't really have a chance.
i am 12 i turned 12 in october 29th.
my one wish is that one day you can come to cortes. you can even stay with me.LOL i wish right.when i put down going to the concert i am so mad now everytime i see you on tv i am so mad but thats how life goes right. i have your new CD it's great. i listen to it every day. i know you get all theasemails every day but i am not any normal kid. i can drive a excavator if you don't know what that is it's a big mashen that picks up gravel and dirt. itr's really cool. my grandad truset me with big mashedies and other big kinves. it sounds really odd but it's really cool. most of my family lives in new-zealend thats really cool.
well i g2g love ya and hope that you think about comeing to cortes.
my email is so think about it.
love ya xoxox
# 2 18 years ago

> hello hillary i am a big fan and i was going to see you concert in vancouver but none of my friends could come so i wantd to but i wouldent have anyone to be there with. my nana and grampa live in vancouver. i uesed to live there but we moved back to cortes island and thats where i am right know. it's in B.C. i really don't like it i am more the city girl but 3 more years i can live. i entered the contest to come and see you in concert. i am hopeing that i win. but there is lots of other people that are entering so i don't really have a chance.
> i am 12 i turned 12 in october 29th.
> my one wish is that one day you can come to cortes. you can even stay with me.LOL i wish right.when i put down going to the concert i am so mad now everytime i see you on tv i am so mad but thats how life goes right. i have your new CD it's great. i listen to it every day. i know you get all theasemails every day but i am not any normal kid. i can drive a excavator if you don't know what that is it's a big mashen that picks up gravel and dirt. itr's really cool. my grandad truset me with big mashedies and other big kinves. it sounds really odd but it's really cool. most of my family lives in new-zealend thats really cool.
> well i g2g love ya and hope that you think about comeing to cortes.
> my email is so think about it.
> love ya xoxox
> >>>kellsey<<<
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