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song on commercial

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# 1 18 years ago

i would like to know the name of the song on the gmc commetcial with the lyrics "all you want to do is use me ".thanks
# 2 18 years ago

i would like to know the name of the song on the Axe - The LYNX EFFECT commercial the one with the Pied-Piper parody.

# 3 18 years ago

> i would like to know the name of the song on the gmc commetcial with the lyrics "all you want to do is use me ".thanks
I believe it is "Use Me Up". It is an old song (from the 70's I think), and I'm unsure of the original artist. The Underground Kings (or U.G.K. as they are known) have a great remake of it (though a little dirty) on their CD "Too Hard to Swallow"
# 4 18 years ago

> > i would like to know the name of the song on the gmc commetcial with the lyrics "all you want to do is use me ".thanks
> I believe it is "Use Me Up". It is an old song (from the 70's I think), and I'm unsure of the original artist. The Underground Kings (or U.G.K. as they are known) have a great remake of it (though a little dirty) on their CD "Too Hard to Swallow"
> Update - Bill Withers did the original. Al Jarreau has also recorded it.
# 5 18 years ago

> > i would like to know the name of the song on the gmc commetcial with the lyrics "all you want to do is use me ".thanks
> I believe it is "Use Me Up". It is an old song (from the 70's I think), and I'm unsure of the original artist. The Underground Kings (or U.G.K. as they are known) have a great remake of it (though a little dirty) on their CD "Too Hard to Swallow"
> Update - Bill Withers did the original. Al Jarreau has also recorded it.
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