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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

24Hour Fitness 'T-shirt' commercial snd now Verizon too!

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# 1 18 years ago

Anyone have any idea what the song is that appears in the spot with different people working out with different messages written on their shirts? The same track also appears in the latest Verizon Wireless commercial. Thanks.
# 2 18 years ago

> Anyone have any idea what the song is that appears in the spot with different people working out with different messages written on their shirts? The same track also appears in the latest Verizon Wireless commercial. Thanks.
# 3 18 years ago

Yeah its "All Good" by Zeroleen .. heard a remix of it on college radio too ... i believe its available on iTunes

> Anyone have any idea what the song is that appears in the spot with different people working out with different messages written on their shirts? The same track also appears in the latest Verizon Wireless commercial. Thanks.
# 4 18 years ago

It's called "All Good Radio" by Zeroleen

Listen to the song at

> Anyone have any idea what the song is that appears in the spot with different people working out with different messages written on their shirts? The same track also appears in the latest Verizon Wireless commercial. Thanks.
# 5 18 years ago

> Anyone have any idea what the song is that appears in the spot with different people working out with different messages written on their shirts? The same track also appears in the latest Verizon Wireless commercial. Thanks.
# 6 18 years ago

Yes, It's All Good, by Zeroleen, released online by Mophonics on iTunes and Dancetracks.

> Anyone have any idea what the song is that appears in the spot with different people working out with different messages written on their shirts? The same track also appears in the latest Verizon Wireless commercial. Thanks.
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