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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

Intel Celeron ad

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# 1 18 years ago

There's a current ad, showing three scenes of people using the Celeron processor to bring "the action" to their laps. Lucy Liu appears in the first scene, reading to a woman, and Seal in the second, singing to a user. The third scene features a soccer player, calling a game for a user in an airport. Who is this soccer player?
# 2 18 years ago

> There's a current ad, showing three scenes of people using the Celeron processor to bring "the action" to their laps. Lucy Liu appears in the first scene, reading to a woman, and Seal in the second, singing to a user. The third scene features a soccer player, calling a game for a user in an airport. Who is this soccer player?

Micheal Owen
# 3 18 years ago

michael own, an England and Newcastle United player
# 4 18 years ago

Michael owen
# 5 18 years ago

Micheal owen, plays for newcastle football club
# 6 17 years ago

The footbal player is Michael Owen a famous English striker who plays for Newcastle United and the England team hope this helps.
# 7 18 years ago

Michael Owen.

> There's a current ad, showing three scenes of people using the Celeron processor to bring "the action" to their laps. Lucy Liu appears in the first scene, reading to a woman, and Seal in the second, singing to a user. The third scene features a soccer player, calling a game for a user in an airport. Who is this soccer player?
# 8 18 years ago

> There's a current ad, showing three scenes of people using the Celeron processor to bring "the action" to their laps. Lucy Liu appears in the first scene, reading to a woman, and Seal in the second, singing to a user. The third scene features a soccer player, calling a game for a user in an airport. Who is this soccer player?

Michael Owen, you crack smoking fatty!
# 9 18 years ago

The player is michael owen he plays for England
# 10 18 years ago

> There's a current ad, showing three scenes of people using the Celeron processor to bring "the action" to their laps. Lucy Liu appears in the first scene, reading to a woman, and Seal in the second, singing to a user. The third scene features a soccer player, calling a game for a user in an airport. Who is this soccer player?
# 11 18 years ago

There's a current ad, showing three scenes of people using the Celeron processor to bring "the action" to their laps. Lucy Liu appears in the first scene, reading to a woman, and Seal in the second, singing to a user. The third scene features a soccer player, calling a game for a user in an airport. Who is this soccer player?
# 12 18 years ago

> Micheal owen, plays for newcastle football club
# 13 18 years ago

> > Micheal owen, plays for newcastle football club
# 14 18 years ago

> There's a current ad, showing three scenes of people using the Celeron processor to bring "the action" to their laps. Lucy Liu appears in the first scene, reading to a woman, and Seal in the second, singing to a user. The third scene features a soccer player, calling a game for a user in an airport. Who is this soccer player?

yeah, who is it?
(All 14 messages )

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