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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

Nissan xterra

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# 1 18 years ago

need the song or link to right thread. Can anyone tell me the song played in the xterra commercial where the wife and baby pop out of the seats, and the house pops up to single to bi-level house?

# 2 18 years ago

>does anyone know the name of the band in a couple of the latest nissan xterra commercials.
one song starts with "steady as you are" and the othersounds like the same band. anyone know the info?
# 3 18 years ago

does anyone know the name of the song in the nissan xterra commercial? the lyrics sound like this: Your gonna cry and beg for mercy, but you cant, you got nothin on me...
# 4 18 years ago

I need tne name of the song played in the latest xterra commercial where they say that they will share some kind of award with their friends... It's a female vocal singing: "You got nothing on me..."
> thanks
# 5 18 years ago

band is the donnas, the album is gold.
have fun!

> I need tne name of the song played in the latest xterra commercial where they say that they will share some kind of award with their friends... It's a female vocal singing: "You got nothing on me..."
> >
> > thanks
# 6 18 years ago

The Donnas "Fall Behind Me'

> does anyone know the name of the song in the nissan xterra commercial? the lyrics sound like this: Your gonna cry and beg for mercy, but you cant, you got nothin on me...
> Thanks
# 7 18 years ago

hey yeah its THE DONNAS, FALL BEHIND ME, from their GOLD MEDAL album
# 8 18 years ago

> does anyone know the name of the song in the nissan xterra commercial? the lyrics sound like this: Your gonna cry and beg for mercy, but you cant, you got nothin on me...
> Thanks

Artist: Donnas
Album : Gold Medal
Song: Fall Behind Me
# 9 18 years ago

The Donnas - "Fall Behind Me"

> I need tne name of the song played in the latest xterra commercial where they say that they will share some kind of award with their friends... It's a female vocal singing: "You got nothing on me..."
> >
> > thanks
# 10 18 years ago

> does anyone know the name of the song in the nissan xterra commercial? the lyrics sound like this: Your gonna cry and beg for mercy, but you cant, you got nothin on me...
> Thanks

did you ever get an answer?
# 11 18 years ago

> does anyone know the name of the song in the nissan xterra commercial? the lyrics sound like this: Your gonna cry and beg for mercy, but you cant, you got nothin on me...
> Thanks

found it!. Fall behind me by the donnas!! great tune
# 12 18 years ago

> does anyone know the name of the song in the nissan xterra commercial? the lyrics sound like this: Your gonna cry and beg for mercy, but you cant, you got nothin on me...
> Thanks
# 13 18 years ago

It is a song called Fall Behind Me by the Donnas off the Gold Medal Albumn.


> does anyone know the name of the song in the nissan xterra commercial? the lyrics sound like this: Your gonna cry and beg for mercy, but you cant, you got nothin on me...
> Thanks
# 14 18 years ago

> does anyone know the name of the song in the nissan xterra commercial? the lyrics sound like this: Your gonna cry and beg for mercy, but you cant, you got nothin on me...
> Thanks
The Donnas "Fall Behind Me"
# 15 18 years ago

It's 'Fall Behind Me' by the Donnas.
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