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Toyota "moving you forward" actress spokesmodel??

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# 1 18 years ago

it is killing me.

She is dark haired with a perfect smile a slight regional accent to her voice, and has a small tinge of possible Asian heritage to her look.

she's been on a lot of commercials since last Fall. I live in the NYC market, but these ads seem national.

Just wondering her name. people i work with think they know her from a soap opera or a show.
# 2 18 years ago

> it is killing me.
> She is dark haired with a perfect smile a slight regional accent to her voice, and has a small tinge of possible Asian heritage to her look.
> she's been on a lot of commercials since last Fall. I live in the NYC market, but these ads seem national.
> Just wondering her name. people i work with think they know her from a soap opera or a show.

Her name is Kim Kennedy Blair, is from the midwest (I think) and last I knew lived in NYC. And I think she has done a soap at some point. Hope this helps.
# 3 18 years ago

> it is killing me.
> She is dark haired with a perfect smile a slight regional accent to her voice, and has a small tinge of possible Asian heritage to her look.
> she's been on a lot of commercials since last Fall. I live in the NYC market, but these ads seem national.
> Just wondering her name. people i work with think they know her from a soap opera or a show.
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