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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

OMG. the gatorade commercial!

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# 1 18 years ago

Can SOMEONE PLEASE help me find the gatorade commercial that shows like sports around the world and has lines such as:
"a win is a win and a loss is a loss"
"football is football, unless its futbol"
"its 90 ft to feet no matter where home is"

PLEASE. its driving me crazy, i want to find it lol. thanks
# 2 18 years ago

> Can SOMEONE PLEASE help me find the gatorade commercial that shows like sports around the world and has lines such as:
> "a win is a win and a loss is a loss"
> "football is football, unless its futbol"
> "its 90 ft to feet no matter where home is"
> PLEASE. its driving me crazy, i want to find it lol. thanks
# 3 18 years ago

dude, i love that commercial and ive been searching for it online for the past 3 weeks cuz i want more of the sayings.when you find the name of it or anything, get at me
# 4 18 years ago

dude if u find it send it to me too please
# 5 18 years ago

dude if u find it send it to me too please
# 6 18 years ago

> Can SOMEONE PLEASE help me find the gatorade commercial that shows like sports around the world and has lines such as:
> "a win is a win and a loss is a loss"
> "football is football, unless its futbol"
> "its 90 ft to feet no matter where home is"
> PLEASE. its driving me crazy, i want to find it lol. thanks

I captured it from TV last week, file is mpeg1 and 5mb. email me back
# 7 18 years ago

Heres that song man. Ive been looking for it forever to. Have fun. I think its all there
Sport is Sport

A Foul's a foul,

And a bat's a bat,

Even if it's flat.

10 feet on the Westside,

Is 10 Feet on the Eastside.

Football, is football, unless it's football.

Now, a win's a win,

and a loss is a loss.

But no matter what

you'd better come with it.

Because it's 90 feet to first,

No matter where home is.
# 8 18 years ago

> Can SOMEONE PLEASE help me find the gatorade commercial that shows like sports around the world and has lines such as:
> "a win is a win and a loss is a loss"
> "football is football, unless its futbol"
> "its 90 ft to feet no matter where home is"
> PLEASE. its driving me crazy, i want to find it lol. thanks
# 9 18 years ago

> > Can SOMEONE PLEASE help me find the gatorade commercial that shows like sports around the world and has lines such as:
> > "a win is a win and a loss is a loss"
> > "football is football, unless its futbol"
> > "its 90 ft to feet no matter where home is"
> >
> > PLEASE. its driving me crazy, i want to find it lol. thanks
# 10 18 years ago

> Can SOMEONE PLEASE help me find the gatorade commercial
i´m tking a MArketing classes and I have to make a presentation abput gatorade please help meeeeeeee
# 11 18 years ago

i would love to know all the lines to that commercial, so if anyone finds it,please send it to me. I'll keep looking too.
# 12 18 years ago

haha sweet . now i dont feel left out. that is my favorite commercial and i have been looking for it on the web for at least two weeks . i will send it to you guys if i find it :]
# 13 18 years ago

A Foul's a foul,
And a bat's a bat,
Even if it's flat.
10 feet on the Westside,
Is 10 Feet on the Eastside.
Football is football .... unless it's futbol.
Now, a win's a win,
and a loss is a loss.
But no matter what
you'd better come with it.
Because it's 90 feet to first,
No matter where home is.
# 14 18 years ago

A Foul's a foul,
And a bat's a bat,
Even if it's flat.
10 feet on the Westside,
Is 10 Feet on the Eastside.
Football is football .... unless it's futbol.
Now, a win's a win,
and a loss is a loss.
But no matter what
you'd better come with it.
Because it's 90 feet to first,
No matter where home is.
# 15 18 years ago

It starts off a sport is a sport

and football is football inless it's futbol

and ends a win is a win, a loss is a loss, but you better bring it no matter where you are because it's 90 feet to first no matter where home is

is that the right one?
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