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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

Diet Coke Commercial

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# 16 18 years ago

The Loft commercial uses I LIKE THE WAY YOU Move by the Body Rockers. The skating one is an Oakenfeld track called STARRY EYE SUPRISE

> > > > HI, i would like to know the name of the song that is played on one of the diet coke commercial. The one with that guy on the gray suit dancing in his apartment, I think that in some part of the song it says "I like the way you move" is that the name of the song? But who sings this song? or what's the real name?
# 17 18 years ago

> > > HI, i would like to know the name of the song that is played on one of the diet coke commercial. The one with the girl whose skating on rollerblades with the blonde hair and shes wearing a sparkly top aswell. Thanks!>
# 18 18 years ago

Id like to know the name of the song that's playing in the commercial where the guy is dancing all over his apartment gettting dressed ( he wears the random red socks), anyone know what that might be?
# 19 18 years ago

> > > > HI, i would like to know the name of the song that is played on one of the diet coke commercial. The one with that guy on the gray suit dancing in his apartment, I think that in some part of the song it says "I like the way you move" is that the name of the song? But who sings this song? or what's the real name?
# 20 18 years ago

Bodyrockers, "I Like the Way"

> > > > HI, i would like to know the name of the song that is played on one of the diet coke commercial. The one with that guy on the gray suit dancing in his apartment, I think that in some part of the song it says "I like the way you move" is that the name of the song? But who sings this song? or what's the real name?
# 21 18 years ago

> > > > HI, i would like to know the name of the song that is played on one of the diet coke commercial. The one with that guy on the gray suit dancing in his apartment, I think that in some part of the song it says "I like the way you move" is that the name of the song? But who sings this song? or what's the real name?
I have been wondering the same thing, I have seen this commercial 5 times at the theatre this weekend. I found this post online. Check it out. Might be one of these guys

I have been searching in vein for someone who can help me identify the man in this Coke commercial. If it is the same one I'm thinking of - a guy (who looks a bit like Coldplay's Chris Martin) in a slim fitting black suit dancing around a loft apartment? If that's the one you're talking about, I think that guy is either Mark or Michael Polish. One of the twin filmmakers behind NORTHFORK and TWIN FALLS, IDAHO. Google them or check out the films and tell me if you agree. [this would mean that your crush is well justified - those guys are genuises]
# 22 18 years ago

> > > > HI, i would like to know the name of the song that is played on one of the diet coke commercial. The one with that guy on the gray suit dancing in his apartment, I think that in some part of the song it says "I like the way you move" is that the name of the song? But who sings this song? or what's the real name?
# 23 18 years ago

> > > > It is, "I like the way you move,"by the Bodyrockers! Great song!
# 24 18 years ago

the name of the group that sings this song is called body body rockers and the name of the song is called i like the way you move
# 25 18 years ago

I think it's by a band called the BodyRockers
# 26 18 years ago

> > > > HI, i would like to know the name of the song that is played on one of the diet coke commercial. The one with that guy on the gray suit dancing in his apartment, I think that in some part of the song it says "I like the way you move" is that the name of the song? But who sings this song? or what's the real name?
i dont know what it is either, please tell me if you find out.
# 27 18 years ago

> > > > HI, i would like to know the name of the song that is played on one of the diet coke commercial. The one with that guy on the gray suit dancing in his apartment, I think that in some part of the song it says "I like the way you move" is that the name of the song? But who sings this song? or what's the real name?
# 28 18 years ago

> > > > HI, i would like to know the name of the song that is played on one of the diet coke commercial. The one with that guy on the gray suit dancing in his apartment, I think that in some part of the song it says "I like the way you move" is that the name of the song? But who sings this song? or what's the real name?
# 29 18 years ago

> > > > HI, i would like to know the name of the song that is played on one of the diet coke commercial. The one with that guy on the gray suit dancing in his apartment, I think that in some part of the song it says "I like the way you move" is that the name of the song? But who sings this song? or what's the real name?
# 30 18 years ago

> > > HI, i would like to know the name of the song that is played on one of the diet coke commercial. The one with the girl whose skating on rollerblades with the blonde hair and shes wearing a sparkly top aswell. Thanks!>
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