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Old Spice Dancing Girl Commerical HELP

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# 1 18 years ago

I have been irked for weeks trying to find the name of the song in the Old Spice commercial with the girl dancing that says "When she's hot, it's sexy. When you're hot, you STINK." If anybody knows the name of the song, please help.
# 2 18 years ago

I've been searching the net for this (off an on) since I first saw this. I really need to know as well! Please forward any info you find, and i'll do the same.
# 3 18 years ago

Hi dude...its O Fortuna, from Carmina Burana.
Is that the one that you were looking for?
# 4 18 years ago


2nd... Drool

3rd... Screw the song, who's the girl?

4th... Ok, now I want to know the song too...
# 5 18 years ago

Is it just me, or is the Old Spice Dancing Girl Commercial overly suggestive and sexy (maybe that's the whole point of it)? I don't consider my self a conservative person, but do we really want our child watching commericals like that? I wonder if there's anyway Proctor & Gamble can air that commerical late at night so our smaller kids don't see that commmerical. I don't believe in total censorship because goodness knows we have enough of censorship, but I was shocked when I first saw that commerical! Whether you agree with me or not, I would appreciate any and all comments. I'm certain that the majority of people out there disagree with my viewpoint. Thanks!
# 6 18 years ago

Is it just me, or is the Old Spice Dancing Girl Commercial overly suggestive and sexy (maybe that's the whole point of it)? I don't consider my self a conservative person, but do we really want our child watching commericals like that? I wonder if there's anyway Proctor & Gamble can air that commerical late at night so our smaller kids don't see that commmerical. I don't believe in total censorship because goodness knows we have enough of censorship, but I was shocked when I first saw that commerical! Whether you agree with me or not, I would appreciate any and all comments. I'm certain that the majority of people out there disagree with my viewpoint. Thanks!
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