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reebok dream commercial song

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# 1 18 years ago

does anyone know the artist of the that one reebok commercial in which the guy is traveling through his dream, jumping and then towards the end walking upside down until he runs into a fire hydrant?? I love the song but can't find it for my life. a little help please.
# 2 18 years ago

> does anyone know the artist of the that one reebok commercial in which the guy is traveling through his dream, jumping and then towards the end walking upside down until he runs into a fire hydrant?? I love the song but can't find it for my life. a little help please.
Karen O sings it from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs but i cant remeber the song name
# 3 18 years ago

its called whenever i wake up
# 4 18 years ago

> > does anyone know the artist of the that one reebok commercial in which the guy is traveling through his dream, jumping and then towards the end walking upside down until he runs into a fire hydrant?? I love the song but can't find it for my life. a little help please.
> Karen O sings it from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs but i cant remeber the song name
> Karen O- hello tomorrow
# 5 18 years ago

> > does anyone know the artist of the track in the reebok advert "i am what i am" where jay z is at the tailers and then the music cuts in?
# 6 18 years ago

When you find out can you please tell me too?
# 7 18 years ago

> does anyone know the artist of the that one reebok commercial in which the guy is traveling through his dream, jumping and then towards the end walking upside down until he runs into a fire hydrant?? I love the song but can't find it for my life. a little help please.
# 8 18 years ago

> > > does anyone know the artist of the track in the reebok advert "i am what i am" where jay z is at the tailers and then the music cuts in?
> >
I believe it's jay z himself, but apparently the track is only being sold with his own brand sneakers from Reebok
# 9 18 years ago

> > > does anyone know the artist of the track in the reebok advert "i am what i am" where jay z is at the tailers and then the music cuts in?
> >

Jay-Z ft. Freeway - Higher.

tim[at]n7studios[dot]co[dot]uk if you need it...
# 10 18 years ago

Helping Hand
> > > does anyone know the artist of the track in the reebok advert "i am what i am" where jay z is at the tailers and then the music cuts in?
> >
> The Song is called 'Higher' I've just found it and it's from his Black Album and features freeway - It's awesome!
# 11 18 years ago

Does anyone know the classical song that reebok commercial with ray lewis and other various athletes that are playing and at the end you see a camera view of there faces?
# 12 18 years ago

> does anyone know the artist of the that one reebok commercial in which the guy is traveling through his dream, jumping and then towards the end walking upside down until he runs into a fire hydrant?? I love the song but can't find it for my life. a little help please.

>i'd like to know it too!! it's a great song!
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