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What is the song from the dodge commercial?

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# 1 18 years ago

What is the redone version of the nazareth song: son of a pregnant dog, called? (its in the dodge commercial where the charger is toll booth racing a top fuel car)
# 2 18 years ago

it's by rapper chris classic and i think it is gonna be on his new album to be released mid-september. it's a mash-up of nazareth-hair of the dog and chris classic-Live and Loose
# 3 18 years ago

> What is the redone version of the nazareth song: son of a pregnant dog, called? (its in the dodge commercial where the charger is toll booth racing a top fuel car)
That's been done before. The fact that they are being jointly produced by an ad shop and a jingle house. Their new creation - the rock/hip-hop single "Unleashed," and its accompanying music video will be released in September, a month before the full-length album. The song is a mash-up of Nazareth's 70's smash "Hair of the Dog" and JSM recording artist Chris Classic's own track "Live and Loose."
# 4 18 years ago

> What is the redone version of the nazareth song: son of a pregnant dog, called? (its in the dodge commercial where the charger is toll booth racing a top fuel car)
# 5 18 years ago

> What is the redone version of the nazareth song: son of a pregnant dog, called? (its in the dodge commercial where the charger is toll booth racing a top fuel car)
# 6 18 years ago

> What is the redone version of the nazareth song: son of a pregnant dog, called? (its in the dodge commercial where the charger is toll booth racing a top fuel car)
# 7 18 years ago

> It's actually scheduled to be released in October, but the single "Unleashed" which is what Dodge used, is available on itunes and on yahoo music along with the video.
# 8 18 years ago

> What is the redone version of the nazareth song: son of a pregnant dog, called? (its in the dodge commercial where the charger is toll booth racing a top fuel car)
# 9 18 years ago

> What is the redone version of the nazareth song: son of a pregnant dog, called? (its in the dodge commercial where the charger is toll booth racing a top fuel car)
# 10 18 years ago

> What is the redone version of the nazareth song: son of a pregnant dog, called? (its in the dodge commercial where the charger is toll booth racing a top fuel car)
# 11 18 years ago

> it's by rapper chris classic and i think it is gonna be on his new album to be released mid-september. it's a mash-up of nazareth-hair of the dog and chris classic-Live and Loose
The song is available at Yahoo music
for a small fee....Chris Classic..Live and Loose!!!
# 12 18 years ago

> What is the redone version of the nazareth song: son of a pregnant dog, called? (its in the dodge commercial where the charger is toll booth racing a top fuel car)
# 13 17 years ago

"Unleashed" by Chris Classic
# 14 18 years ago

> What is the redone version of the nazareth song: son of a pregnant dog, called? (its in the dodge commercial where the charger is toll booth racing a top fuel car)
# 15 18 years ago

> What is the redone version of the nazareth song; hair of the dog, called? (its in the dodge commercial where the charger is toll booth racing a top fuel car)
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