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Veronica on Bacardi and Cola commercial

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# 31 17 years ago

> Did you ever figure that out? It's driving me crazy. I know I've seen her before!
> > Who is the actress that playes veronica on the bacardi and cola commercial where they can't remember her name? If no one knows, at least tell me what else she has been in. PLease, this is driving me nutz!!!
# 32 17 years ago

She was in an episode of 'Married With
Children', but I can't remember her character's name, which would make it easy to look her up on D'OH!!
# 33 17 years ago

> Who is the actress that playes veronica on the bacardi and cola commercial where they can't remember her name? If no one knows, at least tell me what else she has been in. PLease, this is driving me nutz!!!

Ian, I just saw the DVD movie, National Lamthingy's Dorm Daze 2. There was a cute blonde named Jennifer Lyons in the movie. She looked an awful lot like Veronica, who I know had strawberry red hair in the commercial.
# 34 17 years ago

> Who is the actress that playes veronica on the bacardi and cola commercial where they can't remember her name? If no one knows, at least tell me what else she has been in. PLease, this is driving me nutz!!!

Correcting the title to read, "National Lamthingy's Dorm Daze 2."
# 35 17 years ago

> Who is the actress that playes veronica on the bacardi and cola commercial where they can't remember her name? If no one knows, at least tell me what else she has been in. PLease, this is driving me nutz!!!

Try Jennifer Lyons, who is in "National Lamp00n's Dorm Daze 2."
# 36 17 years ago

I think its the actress Jennifer Lyons but I can't be sure unless I see the commercial again.
# 37 16 years ago

> Did you ever figure that out? It's driving me crazy. I know I've seen her before!
> > Who is the actress that playes veronica on the bacardi and cola commercial where they can't remember her name? If no one knows, at least tell me what else she has been in. PLease, this is driving me nutz!!!
# 38 16 years ago

Jennifer Lyons - She appeared, among other things in an episode of Malcolm In The Middle.

> Did you ever figure that out? It's driving me crazy. I know I've seen her before!
> > Who is the actress that playes veronica on the bacardi and cola commercial where they can't remember her name? If no one knows, at least tell me what else she has been in. PLease, this is driving me nutz!!!
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