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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

Veronica on Bacardi and Cola commercial

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# 1 18 years ago

Who is the actress that playes veronica on the bacardi and cola commercial where they can't remember her name? If no one knows, at least tell me what else she has been in. PLease, this is driving me nutz!!!
# 2 18 years ago

please let me know if you find out..


> Who is the actress that playes veronica on the bacardi and cola commercial where they can't remember her name? If no one knows, at least tell me what else she has been in. PLease, this is driving me nutz!!!
# 3 18 years ago

> Who is the actress that playes veronica on the bacardi and cola commercial where they can't remember her name? If no one knows, at least tell me what else she has been in. PLease, this is driving me nutz!!!
# 4 18 years ago

The Dude
She was one of the girls Bud liked on Married with Children but I can't for the life of me remember her character's name.

> Who is the actress that playes veronica on the bacardi and cola commercial where they can't remember her name? If no one knows, at least tell me what else she has been in. PLease, this is driving me nutz!!!
# 5 18 years ago

Jennifer Lyons!!

please let me know if you find out..
> thanks!
> Josh
> > Who is the actress that playes veronica on the bacardi and cola commercial where they can't remember her name? If no one knows, at least tell me what else she has been in. PLease, this is driving me nutz!!!
# 6 17 years ago

> Who is the actress that playes veronica on the bacardi and cola commercial where they can't remember her name? If no one knows, at least tell me what else she has been in. PLease, this is driving me nutz!!!
# 7 18 years ago

Yea, I want to know who she is too. If anyone knows hit me back.
# 8 18 years ago

Jennifer Lyons
# 9 18 years ago

Jennifer Lyons

> please let me know if you find out..
> thanks!
> Josh
> > Who is the actress that playes veronica on the bacardi and cola commercial where they can't remember her name? If no one knows, at least tell me what else she has been in. PLease, this is driving me nutz!!!
# 10 18 years ago

> Who is the actress that playes veronica on the bacardi and cola commercial where they can't remember her name? If no one knows, at least tell me what else she has been in. PLease, this is driving me nutz!!!
# 11 18 years ago

> Who is the actress that playes veronica on the bacardi and cola commercial where they can't remember her name? If no one knows, at least tell me what else she has been in. PLease, this is driving me nutz!!!
# 12 18 years ago

> please let me know if you find out..
> thanks!
> Josh
> > Who is the actress that playes veronica on the bacardi and cola commercial where they can't remember her name? If no one knows, at least tell me what else she has been in. PLease, this is driving me nutz!!!

Did you ever find out who that chick is ? She's HOT !
# 13 18 years ago

> please let me know if you find out..
> thanks!
> Josh
> > Who is the actress that playes veronica on the bacardi and cola commercial where they can't remember her name? If no one knows, at least tell me what else she has been in. PLease, this is driving me nutz!!!

Did you ever find out who that chick is ? She's HOT !
# 14 18 years ago

> > Who is the actress that playes veronica on the bacardi and cola commercial where they can't remember her name? If no one knows, at least tell me what else she has been in. PLease, this is driving me nutz!!!
jennifer Lyons
# 15 18 years ago

> > Who is the actress that playes veronica on the bacardi and cola commercial where they can't remember her name? If no one knows, at least tell me what else she has been in. PLease, this is driving me nutz!!!
> Jennifer Lyons she has played in quite a few minor roles on tv shows.. I happen to remember her from Married with children, she played a few roles there.

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