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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

MTV Commercial With Two Girls At Art Show Calling Guy A Hack

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# 1 18 years ago

whats the song in the background and they are screaming in the limo and they say "this is lame" "lets go home and watch MTV" In a line of the song the singer says ....."and you get what you deserve"
# 2 18 years ago

The song is by the British band "Johnny Boy". The song doesn't have a specific title but the line says:
"you are the generation that bought more shoes and you get what you deserve"

> whats the song in the background and they are screaming in the limo and they say "this is lame" "lets go home and watch MTV" In a line of the song the singer says ....."and you get what you deserve"
# 3 18 years ago

the mtv commercial with the paralyzed guy in it, and showing how he goes about his day, there is an ambient sounding song in the background and ive been trying so hard to find out who its by for months now, if anyone has an idea please inform me
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