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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

Cheryl Ladd Prilosec Ad

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# 1 15 years ago

Hey! I am trying to figure out what breed of dog is in the latest Prilosec commercial with Cheryl Ladd. I'm guessing the dog might be a golden-doodle, but am not sure. Anyone know or seen this one? I can't find it on-line or I would show to some friends who have one. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
# 2 15 years ago

It looks like a Giant White Schnauzer. I have one just like it. Most people don't think he's a schnauzer because his ears and tail aren't cropped and I leave his coat natural. But he's a giant white fulff ball that looks exactly like the dog on the commercial.
# 3 15 years ago

Hi! I think it is a standard poodle gone shaggy. We have one that looks a lot like that when she is allowed to get long. They are marvelous dogs. I would love to know for sure, tho, too!
# 4 15 years ago

It's a labradoodle. Check out her website...
# 5 15 years ago

HI, I saw you ad when I was going online to see the commercial since I rarely turn my TV on. Several of my friends had called to tell me one of my dogs was on TV. I am the breeder who sold Cheryl and her husband their dog. He is an F1B Labradoodle. If you go to her website and scroll down quite a ways you can see him there as a pup with a link to my website I am so greatful to have had him go to such a wonderful loving home. She is a beautiful person as is her husband. Becky
# 6 15 years ago

I was wondering the same thing because it looks a lot like my Shepadoodle.
# 7 15 years ago

It is a labradoodle. Isn't it cute. If you go to Cheryl Ladd's official website, it will give you the link of where she got it.
# 8 15 years ago

I thought it might be a labradoodle.
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