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TRESemme Curl Activator commercial Music

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# 1 16 years ago

This is killing me... I've been trying to find the name of the artist and the song from this new TRESemme commercial. Here's a description about the add: It's for their new curl activator product. One girl with curly hair walks past a salon where a girl with a similar hairstyle paid a lot more than the girl who used Tresemme. The song is sung by a female (duh) and the lyrics are: "What if I told you, would you believe me, I was the only one not playing the game..." Unfortunately, I haven't seen the commercial again for more than 5 days, but this is what I was able to uncover with my own searching: The Campbell Mithun Ad agency was hired to do the Ads for the new product line (including the Curl Activator product), but after looking through their website ( I have not been able to even find a copy of the ad. If someone can answer this question correctly, you will get a boatload of good karma, and a HUGE Thank You from me.
# 2 15 years ago

It will be available on Itunes and the Tresemme website in the next few weeks.
# 3 15 years ago

"Told You" by Jamie Leonhart (the full length version of the song featured on the TRESemme Flawless Curls commercial) is now available on itunes!
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