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The Song I like to live on the edge

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# 1 17 years ago

Who sings the song i like to live on the edge in the new ford commercial
# 2 17 years ago

> Who sings the song i like to live on the edge in the new ford commercial

It is by Kelis!

It's on the album "Kelis Was Here" and titled "Push It To The Edge", produced by Scott Storch and featured in the Ford commercials, that's surely why you asked...
# 3 17 years ago

> > Who sings the song i like to live on the edge in the new ford commercial
> It is by Kelis!
> It's on the album "Kelis Was Here" and titled "Push It To The Edge", produced by Scott Storch and featured in the Ford commercials, that's surely why you asked...

STOP: It's different:
It's called "Miles and Miles" by Dee. You can actually download it from the Ford's Edge website.

# 4 17 years ago

> Who sings the song i like to live on the edge in the new ford commercial
# 5 17 years ago

Its Miles and Miles from Dee:

> > Who sings the song i like to live on the edge in the new ford commercial
> It is by Kelis!
> It's on the album "Kelis Was Here" and titled "Push It To The Edge", produced by Scott Storch and featured in the Ford commercials, that's surely why you asked...
# 6 17 years ago

Who sings the song 'i like to live on the edge' in the new ford commercial?
# 7 17 years ago

> > > Who sings the song i like to live on the edge in the new ford commercial
> >
> >
> > It is by Kelis!
> >
> > It's on the album "Kelis Was Here" and titled "Push It To The Edge", produced by Scott Storch and featured in the Ford commercials, that's surely why you asked...

Sounds like someone ripping off Frank Black.
> STOP: It's different:
> It's called "Miles and Miles" by Dee. You can actually download it from the Ford's Edge website.
> OK?
# 8 17 years ago

The song is by montreal based artist DEE it is "MIles n Miles"
# 9 17 years ago

> Who sings the song i like to live on the edge in the new ford commercial
# 10 17 years ago

> Who sings the song i like to live on the edge in the new ford commercial?
# 11 17 years ago

> Who sings the song i like to live on the edge in the new ford commercial?
# 12 17 years ago

> Who sings the song i like to live on the edge in the new ford commercial
# 13 17 years ago

> Who sings the song i like to live on the edge in the new ford commercial
# 14 17 years ago

> > Who sings the song i like to live on the edge in the new ford commercial
> It is by Kelis!
> It's on the album "Kelis Was Here" and titled "Push It To The Edge", produced by Scott Storch and featured in the Ford commercials, that's surely why you asked...
# 15 17 years ago

> > Who sings the song i like to live on the edge in the new ford commercial
> It is by Kelis!
> It's on the album "Kelis Was Here" and titled "Push It To The Edge", produced by Scott Storch and featured in the Ford commercials, that's surely why you asked...

no its not, the song you are talking about is "Miles and Miles" by Dee
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