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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

Hair Color Commercial

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# 1 17 years ago

Anybody know the song used in a hair color commercial, where a young woman was in an arcade playing a racing game. They also demonstrated the colors' strong hold with the effect of the color (iron filings) attracted to a surface (magnet).

Sorry if this was asked before.
# 2 17 years ago

> Anybody know the song used in a hair color commercial, where a young woman was in an arcade playing a racing game. They also demonstrated the colors' strong hold with the effect of the color (iron filings) attracted to a surface (magnet).
> Sorry if this was asked before.
> Thanks.
# 3 17 years ago

> > Anybody know the song used in a hair color commercial, where a young woman was in an arcade playing a racing game. They also demonstrated the colors' strong hold with the effect of the color (iron filings) attracted to a surface (magnet).
> >
> > Sorry if this was asked before.
> > Thanks.
# 4 16 years ago

> Anybody know the song used in a hair color commercial, where a young woman was in an arcade playing a racing game. They also demonstrated the colors' strong hold with the effect of the color (iron filings) attracted to a surface (magnet).
> Sorry if this was asked before.
> Thanks.
(All 4 messages )

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