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Suzuki Car Commercials

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# 1 17 years ago

Who is The woman who changes her clothes in the elevator
# 2 17 years ago

> Who is The woman who changes her clothes in the elevator

From the web:
The name of the actress is Michelle Lombardo. She entered a model search and was picked by Sports Illustrated three years ago to appear in their swimsuit issue. The name of the music is "Alive & Amplified" by a group called The Mooney Suzuki, off their album of the same name.

Synopsis: "A businesswoman enters the elevator with others at the end of a long workday. The woman surprisingly begins quickly removing her suit as several pairs of eyes watch in disbelief as she disrobes. As they reach the ground floor, the scene reveals underneath it all, a full cycling gear outfit. Set to fast-paced and energetic music, she sprints to her Suzuki Forenza to meet a friend."

Suzuki Forenza "Elevator" television commercial/ tv ad
# 3 16 years ago

> > Who is The woman who changes her clothes in the elevator
> From the web:
> The name of the actress is Michelle Lombardo. She entered a model search and was picked by Sports Illustrated three years ago to appear in their swimsuit issue. The name of the music is "Alive & Amplified" by a group called The Mooney Suzuki, off their album of the same name.
> Synopsis: "A businesswoman enters the elevator with others at the end of a long workday. The woman surprisingly begins quickly removing her suit as several pairs of eyes watch in disbelief as she disrobes. As they reach the ground floor, the scene reveals underneath it all, a full cycling gear outfit. Set to fast-paced and energetic music, she sprints to her Suzuki Forenza to meet a friend."
> Suzuki Forenza "Elevator" television commercial/ tv ad
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