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song from special K commercial

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# 1 17 years ago

does anyone know the song from kellogg's special k commercial? i caught the last 5 seconds of it -- black and white commercial, family scene -- the song: a deep voiced woman humming in the background... i have watched tv for 3 hours hoping it would come back on... heard the song at a funeral a few years ago and brought back memories.. any help would be appreciated!
# 2 17 years ago

its called Over the rainbow by a man i cant spell his name but if you look for it you'll see a long name like Isreal something or other.
# 3 17 years ago

> does anyone know the song from kellogg's special k commercial? i caught the last 5 seconds of it -- black and white commercial, family scene -- the song: a deep voiced woman humming in the background... i have watched tv for 3 hours hoping it would come back on... heard the song at a funeral a few years ago and brought back memories.. any help would be appreciated!
# 4 17 years ago

> does anyone know the song from kellogg's special k commercial? i caught the last 5 seconds of it -- black and white commercial, family scene -- the song: a deep voiced woman humming in the background... i have watched tv for 3 hours hoping it would come back on... heard the song at a funeral a few years ago and brought back memories.. any help would be appreciated!
# 5 17 years ago

IS IT "The Girl From Ipanema" from Astrud Gilberto's Finest Hour? I found it on Amazon:

Hope that's it...

> does anyone know the song from kellogg's special k commercial? i caught the last 5 seconds of it -- black and white commercial, family scene -- the song: a deep voiced woman humming in the background... i have watched tv for 3 hours hoping it would come back on... heard the song at a funeral a few years ago and brought back memories.. any help would be appreciated!
# 6 17 years ago

Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - Somewhere Over the Rainbow
# 7 16 years ago

> does anyone know the song from kellogg's special k commercial? i caught the last 5 seconds of it -- black and white commercial, family scene -- the song: a deep voiced woman humming in the background... i have watched tv for 3 hours hoping it would come back on... heard the song at a funeral a few years ago and brought back memories.. any help would be appreciated!
# 8 16 years ago

> does anyone know the song from kellogg's special k commercial? i caught the last 5 seconds of it -- black and white commercial, family scene -- the song: a deep voiced woman humming in the background... i have watched tv for 3 hours hoping it would come back on... heard the song at a funeral a few years ago and brought back memories.. any help would be appreciated!
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