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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

New LG Commercial... WHAT IS SONG??

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# 1 17 years ago

just saw a new LG Commercial with a GREAT song playing in background... it's really ambient sort of music. would love to know if anyone knows anything about it!! it was played 2-4 days ago right before an episode of Will and Grace.
# 2 17 years ago

> just saw a new LG Commercial with a GREAT song playing in background... it's really ambient sort of music. would love to know if anyone knows anything about it!! it was played 2-4 days ago right before an episode of Will and Grace.
# 3 17 years ago

> just saw a new LG Commercial with a GREAT song playing in background... it's really ambient sort of music. would love to know if anyone knows anything about it!! it was played 2-4 days ago right before an episode of Will and Grace.
# 4 17 years ago

> what is the name of that song on the commercial with the new L.G. fridge?
# 5 17 years ago

> just saw a new LG Commercial with a GREAT song playing in background... it's really ambient sort of music. would love to know if anyone knows anything about it!! it was played 2-4 days ago right before an episode of Will and Grace.

I am also interested in who made the song. If you find out please let me know. I would appriciate it very much.

- Per
# 6 17 years ago

> just saw a new LG Commercial with a GREAT song playing in background... it's really ambient sort of music. would love to know if anyone knows anything about it!! it was played 2-4 days ago right before an episode of Will and Grace.

What was the commercial about? What product were they promoting. I love LG's mucis choices! Hope I can help!
# 7 17 years ago

> just saw a new LG Commercial with a GREAT song playing in background... it's really ambient sort of music. would love to know if anyone knows anything about it!! it was played 2-4 days ago right before an episode of Will and Grace.
(All 7 messages )

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