what is this 70s commercial?
What was the product advertised in the "Zambini, Don't Worry!" tv ad of the early 70's.? The ad had a circus performer jumping off a platform. The woman yells up to him "Zambini, don't Worry!". Then he jumps and lands in a basket full of laundry and says "Oooh, Thatsa Soft."
> What was the product advertised in the "Zambini, Don't Worry!" tv ad of the early 70's.? > The ad had a circus performer jumping off a platform. The woman yells up to him "Zambini, don't Worry!". Then he jumps and lands in a basket full of laundry and says "Oooh, Thatsa Soft." > >
> > What was the product advertised in the "Zambini, Don't Worry!" tv ad of the early 70's.? > > The ad had a circus performer jumping off a platform. The woman yells up to him "Zambini, don't Worry!". Then he jumps and lands in a basket full of laundry and says "Oooh, Thatsa Soft." > > > > Did you ever get an answer to this? I've been hunting for it as well. >
> > What was the product advertised in the "Zambini, Don't Worry!" tv ad of the early 70's.? > > The ad had a circus performer jumping off a platform. The woman yells up to him "Zambini, don't Worry!". Then he jumps and lands in a basket full of laundry and says "Oooh, Thatsa Soft." > > > > > Did you ever figure this out? I need the answer as well
I'm pretty sure it was for a paper towel, not a laundry product. Been looking for it too. I can't believe nobody's put a clip on YouTube!
It's a commercial for Sta Puf Fabric Softener. My dad wrote it!
Well then get us a damn clip! I loved that commercial!
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