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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

New parrot bay commercial!!! I NEED THAT SONG!

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# 16 17 years ago

Yeah, the song is a soca song from 2004 by Destra Garcia, and the name of the song is Bonnie & Clyde.

> Does anyone know the song that is playing during the new parrot bay commercials? The one where the guy is waiting in line and he is transported to a tropical place and they are drinking the new parrot bay bottled drinks??
> any help would be appreciated!!!
# 17 17 years ago

I'm sorry, I don't know, BUT I TOTALLY WANT IT TOO!!! =D Good to know I'm not the only one.

> > Does anyone know the song that is playing during the new parrot bay commercials? The one where the guy is waiting in line and he is transported to a tropical place and they are drinking the new parrot bay bottled drinks??
> >
> > any help would be appreciated!!!
> the name of the song is celebrate by destra a soca artist
# 18 17 years ago

i have also looked everywhere for this song. however, i have not been able to find it. if you find out, will you please let me know? thanks so much!
# 19 17 years ago

> Does anyone know the song that is playing during the new parrot bay commercials? The one where the guy is waiting in line and he is transported to a tropical place and they are drinking the new parrot bay bottled drinks??
> any help would be appreciated!!!
# 20 17 years ago

> > Does anyone know the song that is playing during the new parrot bay commercials? The one where the guy is waiting in line and he is transported to a tropical place and they are drinking the new parrot bay bottled drinks??
> >
> > any help would be appreciated!!!
# 21 17 years ago

> The song is "Bonnie and Clyde" by Desta Garcia
> > Does anyone know the song that is playing during the new parrot bay commercials? The one where the guy is waiting in line and he is transported to a tropical place and they are drinking the new parrot bay bottled drinks??
> >
> > any help would be appreciated!!!
# 22 17 years ago

It's called Bonnie and Clyde by Destra, a female Trinidadian calypsonian.
# 23 17 years ago

> > Does anyone know the song that is playing during the new parrot bay commercials? The one where the guy is waiting in line and he is transported to a tropical place and they are drinking the new parrot bay bottled drinks??
> >
> > any help would be appreciated!!!
# 24 17 years ago

The artist is *Destra Garcia* and the song in "Bonnie and Clyde" you can find her on here is the link -- you can also find her at here is the link

Hope this helps, best wishes.
# 25 17 years ago

reply: the name of the song is Celebrate by Carribbean Super Star- Destra.

If you can, try to see her live- watching her perform that song is better than ANY commercial!!

Best of Luck
# 26 17 years ago

> > The name of the song you're looking for is Bonnie and Clyde by a Soca artiste named Destra Garcia

Does anyone know the song that is playing during the new parrot bay commercials? The one where the guy is waiting in line and he is transported to a tropical place and they are drinking the new parrot bay bottled drinks??
> >
> > any help would be appreciated!!!
# 27 17 years ago

> > Does anyone know the song that is playing during the new parrot bay commercials? The one where the guy is waiting in line and he is transported to a tropical place and they are drinking the new parrot bay bottled drinks??
> >
> > any help would be appreciated!!!
> I searched for it too, and I finally found it so I figured I'd pass along the info.
> The song is called "Bonnie and Clyde" and it's by Destra Garcia
# 28 17 years ago

i believe its 'Celebrate by Destra'- let me know if that's the one

> > Does anyone know the song that is playing during the new parrot bay commercials? The one where the guy is waiting in line and he is transported to a tropical place and they are drinking the new parrot bay bottled drinks??
> >
> > any help would be appreciated!!!
> the name of the song is celebrate by destra a soca artist
# 29 17 years ago

> > Does anyone know the song that is playing during the new The Bay Commercial its like ohh how happy you make me.... help!!!
# 30 17 years ago

> The song is "Bonnie and Clyde" by Desta Garcia
> > Does anyone know the song that is playing during the new parrot bay commercials? The one where the guy is waiting in line and he is transported to a tropical place and they are drinking the new parrot bay bottled drinks??
> >
> > any help would be appreciated!!!
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