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Clipland Forum TV Commercials


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# 1 17 years ago

There is a relatively new foreign commercial for Akbank based out of Turkey. It features an overhead cam shooting choreographed people making a smily face, a guitar, a bird in a tree and other things. It's a :30 sec. spot that is being bounced around many different internet video sites. I NEED to know the song that plays during this commercial. Any information on this music would be greatly appreciated. Email me at and type "AKBANK" in the subject line. THANK YOU ALL!
# 2 17 years ago

> There is a relatively new foreign commercial for Akbank based out of Turkey. It features an overhead cam shooting choreographed people making a smily face, a guitar, a bird in a tree and other things. It's a :30 sec. spot that is being bounced around many different internet video sites. I NEED to know the song that plays during this commercial. Any information on this music would be greatly appreciated. Email me at and type "AKBANK" in the subject line. THANK YOU ALL!
# 3 17 years ago

> There is a relatively new foreign commercial for Akbank based out of Turkey. It features an overhead cam shooting choreographed people making a smily face, a guitar, a bird in a tree and other things. It's a :30 sec. spot that is being bounced around many different internet video sites. I NEED to know the song that plays during this commercial. Any information on this music would be greatly appreciated. Email me at and type "AKBANK" in the subject line. THANK YOU ALL!
# 4 16 years ago


I am also looking for the song. Have you had any luck finding it?

Sebastian Formoso

> There is a relatively new foreign commercial for Akbank based out of Turkey. It features an overhead cam shooting choreographed people making a smily face, a guitar, a bird in a tree and other things. It's a :30 sec. spot that is being bounced around many different internet video sites. I NEED to know the song that plays during this commercial. Any information on this music would be greatly appreciated. Email me at and type "AKBANK" in the subject line. THANK YOU ALL!
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