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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

Kissimmee, FL

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# 1 17 years ago

Has anyone ever seen the Kissimmee, Florida commercial with the little boy talking about "taking you on the best vacation?" It's adorable, and my mother and I want to know where we can find it.
# 2 17 years ago

> Has anyone ever seen the Kissimmee, Florida commercial with the little boy talking about "taking you on the best vacation?" It's adorable, and my mother and I want to know where we can find it.
# 3 17 years ago

> Has anyone ever seen the Kissimmee, Florida commercial with the little boy talking about "taking you on the best vacation?" It's adorable, and my mother and I want to know where we can find it.
# 4 17 years ago

I am looking for it as well. Can anyone help?
# 5 17 years ago

> Has anyone ever seen the Kissimmee, Florida commercial with the little boy talking about "taking you on the best vacation?" It's adorable, and my mother and I want to know where we can find it.

This is the site
# 6 17 years ago

> > Has anyone ever seen the Kissimmee, Florida commercial with the little boy talking about "taking you on the best vacation?" It's adorable, and my mother and I want to know where we can find it.
> I love that commercial too, you can find him at I wanted to know too and someone else told me. Hope this helps.
# 7 17 years ago

> Has anyone ever seen the Kissimmee, Florida commercial with the little boy talking about "taking you on the best vacation?" It's adorable, and my mother and I want to know where we can find it.

you can find it here
# 8 17 years ago

I am so glad there is someone else out there searching for this Commercial - why is it so hard to find. My Dad absolutely loves it and i can't get enough of it either - someone please let me know if you know where i can find it.
# 9 17 years ago

> Has anyone ever seen the Kissimmee, Florida commercial with the little boy talking about "taking you on the best vacation?" It's adorable, and my mother and I want to know where we can find it.
# 10 17 years ago

> > Has anyone ever seen the Kissimmee, Florida commercial with the little boy talking about "taking you on the best vacation?" It's adorable, and my mother and I want to know where we can find it.
here is the link my mother and I love it too!
# 11 16 years ago

> > Has anyone ever seen the Kissimmee, Florida commercial with the little boy talking about "taking you on the best vacation?" It's adorable, and my mother and I want to know where we can find it.
Im tryin to find that commercial myself...its the one where he is talkin with the lil accent..."and you can do whatever you want"..right?
# 12 16 years ago

> Has anyone ever seen the Kissimmee, Florida commercial with the little boy talking about "taking you on the best vacation?" It's adorable, and my mother and I want to know where we can find it.
I agree about being adorable.Have watched a specific channel just to see it. Use google search for Kissimmee television commercials, or go to
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