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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

Budweiser commercial tune

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# 1 17 years ago

Been wondering for a while now, from that Budweiser commercial where the camera goes around in a circle, showing that Bud is enjoyed in various countries around the world, what is that beat in the background??

# 2 17 years ago

> Been wondering for a while now, from that Budweiser commercial where the camera goes around in a circle, showing that Bud is enjoyed in various countries around the world, what is that beat in the background??
> Thx
> Ballz
# 3 17 years ago

Anheuser Busch is trying to fool us into a believe that Budweiser is a beer enjoyed by Europeans with long history and tradition in the beer brewing. It is borrowed from Joseph Goebbels Big lie, nazi propaganda technique. When in fact Europeans consider an American Budweiser, a dish washer water. The genuine European brewed Budweiser - Budvar won the 2006 Soccer World Cup, as the top beer of the tournament. Jelena beer was the finalist in a Cup competition organized by the Stern Magazine.
# 4 17 years ago

> > Been wondering for a while now, from that Budweiser commercial where the camera goes around in a circle, showing that Bud is enjoyed in various countries around the world, what is that beat in the background??
> >
> > Thx
> > Ballz
(All 4 messages )

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