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Song in Target Commercial?

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# 1 18 years ago

What's the name of the song in the new Target commercial and the name of the band? It has a very 60s sound to it.

Is it "Nothing can change the shape of things?" Or "The Shape of things to come" Or something else? I've seen it a lot during the Olympics.

It has a lot of people wearing red clothes, including a model in a red polka dot dress climbing some stairs near the very end.
# 2 18 years ago

ive been serching for it too.
and i found it.


# 3 18 years ago

I think it's a group called "Slade" - Nothing can change the shape of things --- I was wondering the same thing. I usually go to the website and type in the lyrics. the results aren't always correct so i wish they are for this song? There's anothner GREAT song from a Target commericial - something about "possibilities" - thanks my next search :) please let me know if you find out what song it is!!! take care
# 4 18 years ago

> What's the name of the song in the new Target commercial and the name of the band? It has a very 60s sound to it.
> Is it "Nothing can change the shape of things?" Or "The Shape of things to come" Or something else? I've seen it a lot during the Olympics.
> It has a lot of people wearing red clothes, including a model in a red polka dot dress climbing some stairs near the very end.
the name of the song is shapes of things to's from the movie sound-track wild in the streets released in 1968...we recorded the song for mike curb our producer...barney
# 5 18 years ago

> What's the name of the song in the new Target commercial and the name of the band? It has a very 60s sound to it.
> Is it "Nothing can change the shape of things?" Or "The Shape of things to come" Or something else? I've seen it a lot during the Olympics.
> It has a lot of people wearing red clothes, including a model in a red polka dot dress climbing some stairs near the very end.
the name of the song is shapes of things to's from the movie sound-track wild in the streets released in 1968...we recorded the song for mike curb our producer...barney
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