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Clipland Forum TV Commercials


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# 1 18 years ago

Whats the name of the song on the Nissan XTerra commercial where the guy jumps off the cliff after he kisses his wife good-bye? It was also in the movie "Fun With thingy and Jane". Pleeeeeeease tell me its driving me nuts!!!!!! Thank you.
# 2 18 years ago

Mooney Suzuki - Alive + Amplified

> Whats the name of the song on the Nissan XTerra commercial where the guy jumps off the cliff after he kisses his wife good-bye? It was also in the movie "Fun With thingy and Jane". Pleeeeeeease tell me its driving me nuts!!!!!! Thank you.
# 3 18 years ago

> Whats the name of the song on the Nissan XTerra commercial where the guy jumps off the cliff after he kisses his wife good-bye? It was also in the movie "Fun With thingy and Jane". Pleeeeeeease tell me its driving me nuts!!!!!! Thank you.

First of all its a suzuki commercial. And it's called "Alive and Amplified" by "The Mooney Suzuki".
# 4 18 years ago

2BO96cgNbb5 MvY1wL1gxR LVCCwYWaWKOCB8
# 5 18 years ago

> Whats the name of the song on the Nissan XTerra commercial where the guy jumps off the cliff after he kisses his wife good-bye? It was also in the movie "Fun With thingy and Jane". Pleeeeeeease tell me its driving me nuts!!!!!! Thank you.

a band called Mooney Suzuki . A song called Alive and Amplified .. :-)
# 6 18 years ago

>What is the name of the xterra commercial with the lyrics "you make me weak, you make me moan" Thanks
# 7 18 years ago

>What is the name of the xterra commercial with the lyrics "you make me weak, you make me moan" Thanks
# 8 18 years ago

> Whats the name of the song on the Nissan XTerra commercial where the guy jumps off the cliff after he kisses his wife good-bye? It was also in the movie "Fun With thingy and Jane". Pleeeeeeease tell me its driving me nuts!!!!!! Thank you.
# 9 18 years ago

> Whats the name of the song on the Nissan XTerra commercial where the guy jumps off the cliff after he kisses his wife good-bye? It was also in the movie "Fun With thingy and Jane". Pleeeeeeease tell me its driving me nuts!!!!!! Thank you.
# 10 18 years ago

> Whats the name of the song on the Nissan XTerra commercial where the guy jumps off the cliff after he kisses his wife good-bye? It was also in the movie "Fun With thingy and Jane". Pleeeeeeease tell me its driving me nuts!!!!!! Thank you.
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