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Mountain Dew Commercial on MTV

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# 1 18 years ago

There has been a short Mountain Dew spot that has been running on MTV that uses a song that starts with the words "We're going to party... and ends with "all night long." Does anyone know the name of this song and the artist? THANKS!
# 2 18 years ago

Lionel Richie "all night long"
# 3 18 years ago

> There has been a short Mountain Dew spot that has been running on MTV that uses a song that starts with the words "We're going to party... and ends with "all night long." Does anyone know the name of this song and the artist? THANKS!
# 4 18 years ago

it's lionel ritchie "all night long"

> There has been a short Mountain Dew spot that has been running on MTV that uses a song that starts with the words "We're going to party... and ends with "all night long." Does anyone know the name of this song and the artist? THANKS!
# 5 18 years ago

All Night Long
Lionel Richie
# 6 18 years ago

i'm looking too, so far all i've found is a link to watch the ad, the name of the ad campaign is "be nocturnal"

happy hunting

PS if you find it come over and tell us at :)
# 7 18 years ago

> There has been a short Mountain Dew spot that has been running on MTV that uses a song that starts with the words "We're going to party... and ends with "all night long." Does anyone know the name of this song and the artist? THANKS!

all night long by little richie
# 8 17 years ago

> There has been a short Mountain Dew spot that has been running on MTV that uses a song that starts with the words "We're going to party... and ends with "all night long." Does anyone know the name of this song and the artist? THANKS!

-yeahhh its "all night long" by lionel ritchie
# 9 18 years ago

The song is "All Night Long" by Lionel Richie.
# 10 18 years ago

Rob Hauer
Lionel Richie, "Party All Night Long"
# 11 18 years ago

Hey i found the Moutain Dew song thats says we going to party all night long. I have been looking for it to. it is by LIONEL RICHIE IT IS CALLED ALL NIGHT LONG!!!!!!! IT S A GOOD ONE
# 12 18 years ago

> There has been a short Mountain Dew spot that has been running on MTV that uses a song that starts with the words "We're going to party... and ends with "all night long." Does anyone know the name of this song and the artist? THANKS!

All night Long by Lionel Richie
# 13 18 years ago

> There has been a short Mountain Dew spot that has been running on MTV that uses a song that starts with the words "We're going to party... and ends with "all night long." Does anyone know the name of this song and the artist? THANKS!
Lionel Richie - All Night Long
# 14 18 years ago

go to and search for 'mountain dew'. The commercial will be at the very top of page 2.
# 15 18 years ago

> > There has been a short Mountain Dew spot that has been running on MTV that uses a song that starts with the words "We're going to party... and ends with "all night long." Does anyone know the name of this song and the artist? THANKS!
ya its Lionel Richie "all night long"
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