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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

Hyundai Sonata

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# 1 18 years ago

Im gonna seriously go crazy if I don't find out the name of the song on that hyundai commercial where the car is driving around in between the tinted glass walls. The glass walls are arranged like its a maze maybe? I'm not sure. It also seems there a thin layer of water its driving around in. Please help me, I've been to tons of websites in the past hour and half looking for an answer.
# 2 18 years ago

> Im gonna seriously go crazy if I don't find out the name of the song on that hyundai commercial where the car is driving around in between the tinted glass walls. The glass walls are arranged like its a maze maybe? I'm not sure. It also seems there a thin layer of water its driving around in. Please help me, I've been to tons of websites in the past hour and half looking for an answer.

No Answer but I'm down if you find out....
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