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music on Lunesta commercial

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# 1 18 years ago

Does anyone know the name or composer of the music used on the Lunesta commercial...the one with the butterflies?
# 2 18 years ago

> Does anyone know the name or composer of the music used on the Lunesta commercial...the one with the butterflies?
Hey linda, um i was wondering the same thing! it's so pretty! i've actully heard it before..its on the victoria's secret heavenly music soundtrack. my friend has ill ask her what it's called and get back to you!
# 3 18 years ago

> Does the house on the Lunesta commercial...the one with the butterflies?
Are they real house plans or it is just a computer design? Thank for answering if you know.
# 4 18 years ago

if definately seems like its James Horner. The style is very similar to that of the Bicentenial Man Soundtrack. If you like the Lunesta Commercial, you'd probally like that soundtrack.
> Does anyone know the name or composer of the music used on the Lunesta commercial...the one with the butterflies?
# 5 18 years ago

> > Does anyone know the name or composer of the music used on the Lunesta commercial...the one with the butterflies?
> Hey linda, um i was wondering the same thing! it's so pretty! i've actully heard it before..its on the victoria's secret heavenly music soundtrack. my friend has ill ask her what it's called and get back to you!
> Thank you for your reply! I've tried to find the music online, but no luck...would appreciate any help! Thanks!
# 6 18 years ago

> if definately seems like its James Horner. The style is very similar to that of the Bicentenial Man Soundtrack. If you like the Lunesta Commercial, you'd probally like that soundtrack.
> > Does anyone know the name or composer of the music used on the Lunesta commercial...the one with the butterflies?
> Thanks for the reply....and you're right! I still don't know what the music is from the commercial, but did listen to clips from the Bicentennial Man Soundtrack....great music! Going to buy the cd this weekend!
# 7 18 years ago

> > Does the house on the Lunesta commercial...the one with the butterflies?
> Are they real house plans or it is just a computer design? Thank for answering if you know.

Sorry, I can't help...don't know!
# 8 18 years ago

> Does anyone know the name or composer of the music used on the Lunesta commercial...the one with the butterflies?

The Music is actually a clip from The album Sky of Mind by Ray Lynch. It is part of the Track called "Temple"
# 9 18 years ago

>Yep. It is on the Victoria Secret Album entitled Heavenly Music for Angels. It's the first track on that CD, entitled "When Angels Fly". All songs on the CD are nice and mellow, but this one's the best. All were composed by Tena Clark specifically for this promo album. You can't get it at Victoria Secret stores anymore, but I did order and receive a used copy in very good condition via a seller on Amazon. It was only about $8 including shipping. It's well worth it.
# 10 18 years ago

I have lok all over the net and never found anything on that song..=(
# 11 18 years ago

hey if u find the name or composer plz send it to me prety plz ive looked so much for this
# 12 18 years ago

I think it's Ricki lee jone's prelude to gravity.
# 13 18 years ago

> > Does anyone know the name or composer of the music used on the Lunesta commercial...the one with the butterflies?
> Hey linda, um i was wondering the same thing! it's so pretty! i've actully heard it before..its on the victoria's secret heavenly music soundtrack. my friend has ill ask her what it's called and get back to you!
# 14 18 years ago

Very soothing,it almost puts me to sleep. I do like the composition,if you hear forward the name thank you.

> Does anyone know the name or composer of the music used on the Lunesta commercial...the one with the butterflies?
# 15 18 years ago

The original music was by a woman named Tina Clarke. The present music is by a composer named Michael Montez at Sacred Noise music.
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